20. Decisions.

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~ Some decisions are not always right, they are just the need of the time~

A few minutes passed by, with Pakhi holding Nandini in her arms, who was sobbing like a child.

" Nini beta, stop crying!", Pakhi cooed in her ears, and patted her head, running her fingers through her hairs until she stopped crying.

"I thought you won't talk to me ever again!", Nandini hiccupped, and it made Pakhi more guilty.

"How can that be even possible!", She smiled softly at her daughter, who was looking in daze at her, and Pakhi could clearly see the vulnerabilities in her eyes.

"I thought-", Nandini wanted to pour down her insecure thoughts when Pakhi cut her off.

"It won't happen, ever! Understood?", She wiped off all the residual tears, and sat on the bed, while Nandini lay down on her lap.

"I am sorry Nandini!", These were the first words Pakhi spoke, after minutes of silence, and Nandini immediately shook her head at her, not wanting her to apologize.

"No Nandini, it's important for me to apologize, to all of you. More than you all, it's my fault", Pakhi spoke her heart out, and Nandini stared at her, unblinking, confused.

" I had been a bad mother to you, and Manik. I should have sensed the tension between you two, years ago. I didn't even realize my son was and still is going through so much. I wasn't bothered when I found out you both were not on talking terms anymore, holding the distance responsible. When you came back, even then I didn't take the matter seriously, and let him insult you. I have been so negligent about everything-", Pakhi started crying, and Nandini sat up, holding her hands, and shaking her head furiously.

" Maa, no please don't say like that", she pleaded. It was a horrible feeling, watching your mother cry in front of you.

Pakhi smiled half heatedly and wiped her tears, patting Nandini's head.

"Even you know that is true beta", she mentioned and Nandini lowered her eyes, because well that was the brutal truth of their lives.

They were all characters trapped by destiny, where it was never a single person's fault. It was all of them who were responsible for this web of feelings that had been formed. Such was the trap of the destiny, that all of them went through the turmoil of blaming themselves, falling deep into the pit of self loathing when it was a collective fault. Earlier it was Manik, followed by Nandini, and now it was Pakhi.

"I am sorry beta, I am really sorry", Pakhi kissed their joined hands, and Nandini wrapped her arms around her chest, resting her head in her favorite place.

"You love him so much, don't you?", Pakhi asked, ruffling her hairs, and Nandini hid her face more.

" But he doesn't", she replied meekly.

Pakhi separated her petite frame from  her chest, and uplifted her chin, once again, looking in her eyes.

" Does it matter? Is is going to decrease the feelings you have started to harbour for him?", She asked and Nandini shook her head, skeptical of the conversation.

" You know Nandini, when you were small, and all the time inseparable, quite a few times I had imagined you as my daughter in law", Pakhi laughed and it made Nandini crimson, she immediately lowered her eyes, fighting the smile that threatened to erupt on her cheeks.

" I won't lie if I say I still feel so. But now, it depends on Manik!", She sighed and Nandini's face turned grim again.

" As you said, it doesn't matter to me anymore. All I want is him to be happy, either with me or with Shiwali!", She rubbed Pakhi's arms, whose eyes dilated in surprise.

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