Chapter One

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Songs for this chapter:
• Journey To The Past - Anastasia

Chapter One:

"Okay Lex, be honest here; am I more attractive than Ryan?"

Why this is a legitimate conversation we're about to have is beyond me.

I practically spit out my drink at Jasmine's question. Sometimes I wonder how we've grown to become friends, considering we're so different.

Jasmine shakes her head at me, the faintest hint of a smile reaching her lips.

"I'm offended that you even think that's up for debate," my other friend Ryan says, as he jokingly pinches Jasmine on the shoulder. She quickly bats his hand away, now wearing a full-on grin.

I roll my eyes a their immaturity. "Can I choose neither?"

Both of their heads snap instantly, and I'm greeted with two pairs of angered eyes. I gnaw down on my lip to contain my laughter, but I eventually give up, and the three of us burst out in a fit of giggles together.

Jasmine quickly looks up, her eyes scanning the cafeteria until she spots the group of boys coming our way. She quickly waves them over, grabbing a guy with auburn hair and pulling him down into the seat beside her. He looks at her blankly in a state of confusion as everybody else takes their seats around us.

"So, Charlie . . . your sister isn't being much help so I'm resorting to you."

My brother cocks his head to the side in question, allowing Jasmine to continue. "I'm hotter than Ry, right?"

Charlie opens his mouth to answer, but before he can do so, Ryan slams his drink back on to the table.

"For Christ's sake, Jazzy, give it up!" he groans, pressing his face into my shoulder. I push him up off of me and he goes back to eating his fries in peace.

Jasmine raises a brow at Charlie, and he sighs before leaning in close to her ear and whispering something that causes her cheeks to flush a deep yet bright shade of red. My brother smirks at her before they both turn away to their respective friends.

"I'm honestly so stressed about that Global History test," Charlie say, breaking the silence. Ryan nods in agreement, but Jasmine's eyebrows dart halfway up her forehead.

"We have a test this week? I haven't studied at all!" she groans, running her fingers through her hair anxiously.

"Have you ever considered actually paying attention in class?" Ryan remarks, receiving a side-eyed glare from Jasmine in response.

He shrugs, throwing a fry at her face, which causes her to literally growl at him.




"Enough guys! What are we, twelve?"

"We're both older than you!" they exclaim in unison. This is their common excuse for acting like literal children.

"Technically, sure. But you two clearly haven't met yourselves if you think you act your age," I retort.

Before our argument can go any further, the shrill sound of the bell rings across the cafeteria, signalling the end of the lunch period.  We all say our goodbyes, before heading off in separate directions.

I have voice next, so I take the main hallway around to the other side of the building.  I could've sworn I heard someone call out "Blossom!" but there's only one person has ever called me that, and there's no way that they're here. Nonetheless, I turn around briefly and scan the hallway for a familiar face. I can't see anything past the sea of people, though, so I just turn around and keep on walking.

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