Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:

I'm extremely thankful when Mateo just leans forward to press a kiss to my cheek instead of my lips.

At this point, I don't think I could take yet another pull to my heartstrings.

Sure, Mateo and I have kissed on two occasions before, but neither were anything special.

The first time was last year, when our little circle of friends were playing truth or dare during a party at some football player's house that Daniel forced us to attend. I'm still not sure how I ended up there because I'd really rather be at home working on homework than out in a crowded house with a bunch of teenagers drunk on cheap alcohol.

By the end of the night, practically everyone was drunk out of their minds apart from Mateo and I, so Jasmine brought up the idea of a quick game of truth or dare. She loves that game, and she has ever since middle school.

Needless to say, I was dared to kiss Mateo and so we did.

The second time was over summer break actually, when Mateo came to see my show and drove me home afterwards. He kissed me quickly before I got out of the car, and we haven't spoken about it ever since. Neither kisses were awkward at all, so it's unapparent why I'm suddenly so against kissing him.

"Bye, Lexi," he says, pulling back to look at me.

The only reply I can muster is a simple, "Bye Matt. I'll see you tomorrow."

With a squeeze of his hand, I step out of his car to walk back into my house.


"I hate Mondays. The shittiest day of the week, by far," Bryce huffs as I slam my locker door shut.

Jasmine is still agitated that he gets the top locker next to mine rather than her, but he's already told her that she's being 'dramatic and whiny' and that she needs 'to build a bridge and get the hell over it'.

Always so kind.

"I thought you liked school?" I ask Bryce.

I must be an idiot or something because he snorts, looking around the dim hallway in what appears to be disgust. Despite the newly-renovated walls constructed entirely of window in this part of the school, the dreary weather we get every October doesn't let any sunlight pour through the windows. They didn't seem to consider this during renovations seemingly, as there are very few lights on the ceiling. The two factors cause the place to be cast in a slight shadow, which really doesn't make for the ideal way to start off one's day.

"Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I enjoy being here," he corrects, taking a large sip of the iced coffee he's carrying in one hand.

"Mhm. Modest too," I add, watching as he spins the combination lock on his locker until the locker clicks open. The small storage space is entirely empty still, and he places his plastic coffee cup inside.

I'm about to ask him what the point of doing that is until he grabs the bottom of his red sweatshirt, the same colour as the truck he seems to drive, pulling it up over his head and tossing it in the empty locker. He then picks up his drink and shuts the door.

It's just as I thought that Bryce had taken my advice on the whole tattoo situation, I notice how he's just wearing a plain white T-shirt to contrast his black jeans.

He catches my disapproval and rolls his eyes, averting his attention past my shoulder. I spin around to find a familiar blond boy walking up the stairs.

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