Chapter Twenty-Three

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Songs for this chapter:
• 2002 - Anne-Marie
• Almost Is Never Enough - Ariana Grande
• Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis

Chapter Twenty-Three:

I end up next to Bryce on the couch, but Charlie is seared on his other side. I lean over to speak to him, asking, "Why didn't you just bring me here? I mean, it would've saved Bryce the drive."

Charlie answers, saying, "I don't know. Bryce wanted to spend some time alone with you or something," before Bryce cuts him off by harshly shoving a pillow right in his face.

My brother rolls his eyes, taking the pillow from Bryce and tossing it across the room. It hits the wall before bouncing back and landing on the floor, which is when Bryce's father coincidentally comes walking into the room.

He glances to the pillow on the floor, then back to my brother. "Let's try and not wreck my home, Charlie," he teases, and Charlie laughs.

"Sorry Leo," he apologizes, and Leo shakes his head at him as if to say 'no problem'. Leo then walks over into the room, plucking the pillow off the floor and setting it down on a vacant chair.

His eyes scan the room, lingering for an extra moment on Mateo, and I realize that this must be weird for them. I'm honestly surprised that Bryce even let Mateo into his house, but then I figure that he just did it for me.

"I'm heading out," Leo says to Bryce as he picks up a laptop off of one of the side tables.

Bryce nods to him, and just like that Leo walks out of the room. I notice how he didn't comment about the cups of what I can only assume is some sort of alcohol in Jasmine and Ryan's hands, but I'm thankful for that.

"See? I told you he's chill," Bryce whispers to me, following my gaze and somehow knowing exactly what I'm thinking.

I give him a meek smile, which is when Jordan stands up from his seat with a huff.

"I'm hungry," he announces, and Bryce rolls his eyes at him.

"Go get the cupcakes from the kitchen," he tells Jordan, and without having to be asked again he eagerly follows Bryce's command, exiting the room and then entering again with a plate of cupcakes in his hands.

The cake itself it chocolate, and they're iced neatly with a creamy white icing. When he sets them down on the coffee table Jasmine and Ryan start singing Happy Birthday to me, and eventually everyone joins in.

The cupcakes are delicious, and when I notice Bryce chewing slowly and thoughtfully I figure something out.

"You made these?" I ask him and he nods at me.

"Yeah. I think the icing is a little too sweet though. I don't know where I went wrong," he starts but I quickly cut his speech off.

"Shush. These are great, seriously. You really are good at everything," I compliment, and he gives me a shy smile.

"Thanks, but I'm really not," he counters, and I tilt my head to the side.

"Really?" I begin to ask. "Try and name one thing you're not good at."

He thinks for a moment, puckers his lips, and then grins.

"Emotional vulnerability," he answers, popping the final bite of cake into his mouth. He's still smiling and I laugh along with him, before Mateo cuts in and ruins the moment.

"You baked these? Should I be worried that I may be poisoned?" he questions rudely, and Bryce turns to him.

"You clearly don't understand that I won't hesitate to kick your ass out of my house," he fights back, and Mateo snorts.

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