Chapter Fifty-Three

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Chapter Fifty-Three:

I haven't spoken to Bryce Bradshaw in eight whole days.

Due to exam week, I obviously didn't have regular classes. The only time I even saw Bryce was during our exams, meaning we couldn't speak to each other even if we had wanted to.

This is excluding our voice class exam, though.

Due to the fact that we didn't even have a formal exam, instead just performing in front of each other, Bryce and I certainly could have spoken then.

Luckily, he chose to ignore me, so Camila and I ended up chatting. She told me all about the school music which she's playing the lead in, and I'm super excited for her, I really am.

When it was finally Bryce's turn to perform, he burrowed a guitar from the music room before hopping up onto the stage, taking a seat on the stool set up.

Even though we're using the auditorium, because there's under thirty people in the class, we all sat up at the front near the stage, eliminating the need for us to use microphones.

Bryce tunes up the guitar before clearing his throat and beginning to sing.

I swear that nearly everyone in the room was hypnotized.

Bryce has the best stage presence I've ever witnessed, even as he's just sitting there playing guitar. He doesn't seem to be nervous whatsoever, and he literally emits confidence as he sings.

I can't recognize the song that he's singing, but from what I can decipher, the lyrics are beautiful.

I'm actually really disappointed when Bryce finishes performance, standing up and jokingly bowing before stepping down the steps and back into the floor, taking a seat far away from everyone else like he's been doing this whole time.

I had just opened up my schedule for our final semester, thrilled to see it confirmed that I get one period off every day.

That period is first thing on Monday and Friday, which means I won't have to be at school until ten o'clock, allowing me to sleep in.

I decided to take astronomy, law, and I was even bold enough to take cooking. I feel like my lesson with Bryce gave me some added confidence, and the class adds a good balance to my schedule.

Now that the stress of exams is off my chest, I'm able to walk into school this Monday morning with an extra pep in my step.

I think that I actually did pretty well on my exams, and though I can't be sure, I'm fairly certain that I'll be happy with my grades.

Now the only thing I have to worry about is Juilliard.

"Let me see your schedule!" Jordan exclaims suddenly from behind me, and I'm nearly scared out of my mind as I didn't notice that he had came in the front door right after me.

I laugh it off though, opening up the schedule on my phone and handing it to him to examine as we head to our lockers.

"We're not taking any of the same courses, Jordan," I tell him, and he huffs, his eyes scanning the screen to confirm this.

He hands my phone back to me as we reach the upstairs hallway, and Jordan spots Bryce by the lockers straight away.

"Bryce! I want to see your schedule!" Jordan calls out across the hallway, and a few lingering students turn to stare at him.

Jordan ignores them though as he rushes across the hallway to greet Bryce, who's standing there with his arms crossed, looking totally unamused.

I follow Jordan, weary of the people with their eyes on me thanks to my dear friend, and I find Bryce and him have exchanged phones to see one another's classes.

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