Chapter Fifteen

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Songs for this chapter:
• Pretty Funny - Dogfight

Chapter Fifteen:

Ryan's cottage is in a quaint little town around two and a half hours out of the city, and to my delight, we successfully drove almost the whole way there before Jordan started whining again.

"I've been trapped in this expensive ass car with you people for way too long," Jordan huffs, right after Ryan and I finish belting another obnoxious Katy Perry song.

We both laugh, and although Bryce is doing better at keeping his mouth shut than Jordan is, I can tell that he's contemplating shutting the radio off.

Some rap song that I've never heard before begins playing, but Ryan seems to know it as he begins screeching the words.

I giggle, leaning back in my seat and turning my head a little so I get a good view of Bryce's expression.

He's biting down on his lower lip, trying to keep his laughter in, no doubt. He's shaking his head a little though, surely more amused by Jordan's groaning than Ryan's 'singing'.

Jordan raps a fist against the back of Bryce's seat, asking, "Will you please turn the damn music off?"

Bryce teasingly seems to think for a moment, before reaching over to turn the dial on the radio down a little bit.

"Boo," Ryan huffs, and Jordan seems to be silently sending a prayer.

I laugh, wondering how I've ended up spending another Friday night in the car with these idiots. I think we're all kind of hungry and restless though, so I'm sure after we finally get out of the car everyone will settle down.

"Is there any food in here?" Jordan asks, and Bryce rolls his eyes at him.

"What, do you think I have a fucking refrigerator in here or something?" he replies, and I clamp my hand over my mouth to stifle my own laughter.

Bryce sneaks a glance at me from the corner of his eye, and I see a hint of amusement there.

"Where'd you get such a smart mouth from?" Jordan prods, and Bryce just shakes his head.

Even though it seemed like this car ride would never end, we pull up outside of Ryan's place a short few minutes later.

Jordan is the first one out of the car, flinging the door open the moment Bryce brings the vehicle to a halt in the driveway. Ryan follows right after, and joins Jordan at the back of the car. Jordan seems to be waiting for Bryce to pop open the trunk again like earlier, but after a second he tries to open it himself.

When it doesn't budge, Ryan walks around to the side of the car, seemingly about to open a door and ask Bryce to unlock the back, just as Bryce opens up the trunk with the press of a button.

"Shit!" I hear Jordan yell as it scares him again. I've never noticed how easily he scares.

Bryce is chuckling to himself as Ryan and Jordan grab their bags from the trunk, then proceeding to walk up to the front door.

"I do like that guy," Bryce comments out of nowhere, reaching to open up his door.

This shocks me a bit as I remember him clearly mentioning how obnoxious he finds my friends various times this week alone.

"Who? Jordan?" I question, and Bryce nods.

"Yeah, he's fun to mess with. If you decided to run off and marry him I would approve," he tells me.

"Why would I need your approval? It's not like you're my dad or something," I defend, realizing how my words could be interpreted after they've already left my mouth.

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