Chapter Sixty-Two

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Chapter Sixty-Two:

Bryce's POV

It's been exactly forty-two days since I asked Blossom to be my girlfriend.

I still have no clue why the hell she would ever agree to it, but I'm certainly not complaining.

One thousand and eight minutes. Sixty thousand, four hundred and eighty seconds.

The absolute best forty-two days of my whole fucking life.

I knew that when she was finally mine, I would feel happy beyond measure, but yet could never have prepared for the waves of love and affection that she sends me every day, even from something as simple as holding my hand in public or playing with my hair.

Every touch from her always means something. She's always so gentle with me, making sure to let me know how much I mean to her.

I've never had a girl be so caring around me, and I never before knew how much I craved this kind of affection.

Whenever I've hooked up with girls, I never cared about the emotions, which was easy as I never had any feelings for them.

I've always loved Blossom, even when we were just kids, and although I'm not sure when I realized it, I know that the feelings were always there.

She's perfect in my eyes.

"Bryce? Are you all right? I'm worried about you," Blossom says, resting her hand on my forearm.

"Sorry. Just stressed," I answer her shortly. I don't mean too, but saying that I'm only 'stressed' is the biggest fucking understatement of the year.

I glance to the clock again. 4:42. Eighteen minutes left.

I've been checking the time all day like a damn idiot, even when I was at school. Decisions come out at five o'clock so I really don't understand how I was helping myself at all.

My genius dad decided to throw a dinner party tonight, conveniently. He claims that he forgot  today is Ivy Day, but I really don't believe that bullshit; he's been waiting all my life for this day, and there's absolutely no way that he could simply just forget about it.

Him, my psychotic grandfather, and my actually psychotic mother have been focused on making sure I work my ass off to get into Columbia all my life. Sometimes it was frustrating, and I often felt like they were neglecting the present because of my future, but after my mom went haywire, Dad's turned a new page over.

I think he finally realized that our time is limited, and that we should make the best of it while we still can.

Needless to say, the pressure to be accepted into Columbia has always been there. But, now I have the best girlfriend in the world who's also hoping that I get in so that we can live in the same city and spend as much time together as possible.

Fucking shit.

It's now only 4:44. Fantastic.

"Do you need help with anything, Leo?" Blossom asks, and my dad stops stirring whatever shit he's cooking on the stove right now to turn and look at her.

He has a genuine smile on his face, surprisingly. He apologized for pissing me off the morning after my birthday, saying that he was sorry for joking around about my relationship with Blossom.

I think he's picked up on the fact that she means too much to me for me to be able to sit through people talking shit about us.

"I'm good, Lexi. Thank you, dear," he replies to her, and she nods, playing with her hair.

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