Chapter Twenty-Two

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Songs for this chapter:
• Boyfriend - Ariana Grande & Social House

Chapter Twenty-Two:

It's been a boring two weeks. I've locked myself up in my room studying music for hours on end every night, trying to memorize a bunch of new songs.

I'm sure my family is sick of hearing the same five pieces over and over again on loop, but I keep bringing up the excuse that I have college auditions coming up scarily soon.

I stayed in on Halloween just like I had the past few years, not feeling in the mood for a party no matter how many times Jasmine begged me.

Our French quizzes were returned and to our teacher's disgust, half the class failed. I got a ninety-seven which is pretty good I suppose, but Bryce was quick to mock me for it, asking me, "What happened to that last three percent?"

He then laughed as I narrowed my eyes at him, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we headed to class together.

Bryce has been driving me to school every morning that Charlie has early soccer practices, which I greatly appreciate because it means that I don't end up showing up at school way earlier than I need to be there for.

He's back to driving the red truck per usual, and when I asked him why he seemed to favour this truck over the more expensive cars that his father has purchased, he told me, "Why the hell would I trust these sleep-deprived teenagers to park near a nice car when there's a great possibility in someone hitting it?"

I told him that he had too little faith in our peers, and he told me that he was being completely reasonable.

My birthday has finally came around, and I still have no plans for the evening.

I'm currently sifting through my locker, trying to find the spare package of pencils I could have sworn I tossed in here at the beginning of the year just as I feel someone walk up behind me.

A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, and when I catch a swirl of black ink peeking out from under the the hem of the sleeve of a dark denim jacket, I immediately know who it is.

"Happy birthday," Bryce's warm voice whispers in my ear, and I turn around to find him smiling at me.

"Thanks," I say as he kisses me on the top of the head, and I feel myself blush, quickly spinning back around to slam the locker door shut and conceal the rosy colour of my cheeks.

"Can I be invited to your wedding?" I hear Jordan ask us, walking up and leaning against the wall beside my face.

Bryce snorts, taking a step to the side and toying with the combination lock of his locker before the door swings open. He pulls his jacket off, tossing it inside before turning back to Jordan.

"We're not getting married, but if we were, you most certainly would not be invited," Bryce answers, and Jordan gets a funny smile on his face.

I interject. "But he's my friend, and doesn't my opinion matter too?" I ask, and Bryce takes this into consideration for a moment, before nodding at me.

"Yeah, but can't you just make other friends? Jordan would probably just whine about how cheap the champagne tastes all night," he continues to argue, and I laugh at how seriously he's thinking about this.

"Screw you, Punkass," Jordan huffs, and Bryce laughs at him.

"Punkass?" he questions. "Is that my new nickname? You used it on the weekend to."

Jordan nods at him, just as Jasmine pops up behind Jordan.

"Wedding? Can I be the maid of honour?" she asks, and I'm even more confused as of to why the three of them seem to be thinking so deeply about this.

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