Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three:

Bryce's POV

"Merry Christmas!" my dad exclaims, strolling right into my bedroom.

I sit up in bed, lifting my laptop out of the bed and setting it down beside me.

My dad still has his jacket on, and he has a bag slung over his shoulder, meaning that he just got home from the airport.

"Christmas is fucking stupid," I mutter, slipping out of the bed and pulling my glasses onto my face.

I then head for the closet, the light turning on automatically as soon I step inside. I have to walk to the back corner to get to my T-shirt drawer, grabbing a black shirt off the top of the stacks of clothes.

I then head out of the small room back to my bedroom, walking straight to my dad, letting him pull me into a quick hug.

"I know, I know. How have you been, kid?" he asks, pulling back and resting both of his hand on my shoulders.

I give him a small smile, answering by saying, "I've been fine. How was your trip?"

He nudges me in the side, gesturing for me to follow him downstairs. I do, watching as he drops his bag by the stairs before walking down the steps.

Although we agreed not to buy each other any gifts for today, I know my dad is still going to get all sappy and turn the whole day into a 'bonding experience'.

I check my phone to see that it's only eight o'clock in the morning, so when he beelines for the kitchen I can assume that he's going to make breakfast.

He drops his jacket off by the door, and I stand there for a minute, watching as snow begins to fall from the sky.

I'm sure Blossom will be thrilled to see snow on the ground; she's been talking about how she's been hoping for a white Christmas since last year. I then mocked her on it, telling her how in Florida there isn't even the faintest hope for snow.

I head into the kitchen, taking a seat down on one of the stools at the counter.

"What are you making?" I ask him, watching as he moves briskly around the large kitchen.

"Eggs and bacon," he answers. "That's fine with you?"

I nod at him. "Yeah, thanks. Do you need any help?" I ask, and he shakes his head at me, grabbing a package of bacon from the fridge.

He sent me a list of groceries I needed to pick up before the stores close for the holidays, and so as much as I hate grocery shopping, I went to the store and bought him what he wanted.

I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from making a snarky comment about how he should just come home for once and do it himself.

"I really don't understand why people who aren't even religious make such a big deal out of such a lame ass holiday," I comment, scrolling through my Instagram feed and getting a little internally pissed off at all the posts of people trying to show off the presents that they've surely just received.

The only photo that actually catches my eye is one posted by Charlie. He has has his arm around Blossom's shoulders and she has a huge smile on her face, one I wish I saw more often.

She doesn't post much on her social media, the only photos really being of her in costume for all the different musicals she's been in.

I find it adorable.

She really does love theatre. I hope she gets into Juilliard. After all the shit that she's been through, she deserves it.

Not to mention that if I got into Columbia, we could be in the same city still. I'd be able to see her even though she's moving to a different country.

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