Final Author's Note

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I'm super emotional about completing this book. It's been three and a half years in the making (I started it when I was only eleven, which is totally absurd to think about now), and I'm in absolute awe that after all these years, I wrote a whole fucking book.

Is it perfect? Of course not. Do I wish that I could change a few things about it? For sure. But I still poured my heart and soul into telling Lexi and Bryce's story, and I hope that all of you who have made it this far enjoyed it as well.

Anyway, the point of this is to tell you guys that the sequel, Stay There, is already available on my profile, so please go check it out!

Anyway, the point of this is to tell you guys that the sequel, Stay There, is already available on my profile, so please go check it out!

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- Maddy <3

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