Chapter Fifty-One

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Chapter Fifty-One:

Although I had planned on just leaving Bryce a simple text message, upon settling myself in bed I actually decided to call him instead.

He picks up on the second ring, and his voice floods the speaker right away.

"Hey, Blossom. How are you?" he asks me, and I grin at the sound.

I decide to switch the phone on to speakerphone, setting it down on my bed beside me before grabbing the bag with my dress in it from where I had dropped it on the floor.

"Hi. I'm good, thanks. What about you?" I ask, pulling the red dress out of the bag.

I unfold it in my hands before draping the glimmering article of clothing across my lap. I feel giddy as I stand up from my seat, taking the dress and phone with me as I head to my closet.

I set my phone down on top of one of the shelves before grabbing an empty hanger, hanging the dress up on one of the rails.

"Great, now that I'm hearing your voice. What do you want to do tomorrow?" he asks me, and I'm glad that he can't see my face because I'm grinning like a complete maniac right now.

"Whatever you want. I'm okay with anything," I answer, biting down on the inside of my cheek.

"Don't say that. I'm sure you wouldn't agree with most of the things I'd like to do to you," he says lowly, before clearing his throat.

His words send a shiver right down my spine and I find myself involuntarily leaning against the doorway to keep stable.

I let out a shaky breath, grabbing my phone and heading back into my bedroom, closing the closet door shut behind me.

I take a seat down on my bed, folding my legs beneath myself as Bryce continues, suggesting, "How about you come over and we cook dinner? I could pick you up."

I giggle at the idea. "I suck at cooking, Bryce. I'll accidentally end up burning down your house," I tell him, and he chuckles.

I can picture him with his eyes shut, shaking his head at me as he always does when I say something that he finds amusing.

"Then let's turn it into a cooking lesson. I could pick you up at four," he says, and I bite my lip to hold back a little bit of my smile.

I look over to the clock on my nightstand where I see that the time reads 3:22 PM.

A though strikes me, and I look down at my phone. I stare blankly at Bryce's name for a few silent moments before I ask, "Bryce?"

"Yeah Blossom?" he replies to me right away, and I find myself subconsciously twirling a strand of hair around one of my fingers.

"Are you busy tonight?" I ask him shyly, and he's completely quiet for a moment.

"No. You want me to pick you up in ten?" he asks me, and I blush as how easily he can read me, even through the phone.

I find myself nodding my head, but I quickly realize that I'm a total idiot as he can't see me.

"Yeah," I whisper, before pressing my face into my hands.

I probably seem so incredibly clingy right now, but I don't even really care because all I want is to see him.

Bryce laughs, and I instantly regret everything. Thankfully, he quickly ends my embarrassment by saying, "I'll see you in a few minutes. Bye, Blossom."

Perfect. I'm smiling like a psychopath once again.

"Bye, Bryce," I reply, before hanging up the call.

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