Chapter 8 : Memory lapse

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First of all , thankyou for such a positive response people ❤ you guys,are awesome , this is dedicated to everyone who reads this and especially to the ones who vote and comment and make my heart grow a little bit everyday❤ A Big Thank you !

13 April 2040 , Star Labs ..

"Cisco , did you get something ?"  Barry rushed into star labs with changed clothes

Cisco was sitting on his desk wearing his glasses that help him vibe with his choice "No barry , I've been trying to vibe her again and again , but it doesn't seem to work "cisco said taking off the glasses and slamming it on the desk

Caitlin walked in with iris and wally "What do you mean it doesn't work ? "

"It feels like something is blocking me "cisco turned to the group and said unsure , he was trying his best he really was he was focused but he couldn't see anything it was like something was blocking him or stopping him from entering

"Oh my God ! " Dawn covered her face in her hands and drop down on the nearest chair , she sobbed like a little girl , she couldn't protect her little sister .. she was supposed tO take care of her but instead , she thpught about herself ..

Caitlin and Iris walk towards her , iris sat down on her knees in front of her .. "Hey , dawn it's not your fault okay ! Do you hear me ,its not" iris repeated and caitlin nodded to affirm iris's response

Dawn looked at her mother then at caitlin and then at her father who was as concerned for her as he was for nora "I should've been the one to go and help them , but I sent her , I made her go , even though I know she does not have any experience with it ! When I knew that she doesn't know anything about all of this !  "

"Dawn " caitlin sighed and rubbed her back , even though she was so worried about Nora but she didn't wanted to let her be she loved Dawn too , and she couldn't see her that wya .

Dawn turned to caitlin and her tears were clear in her eyes "i was selfish because of that stupid wedding , How is it not my fault Caitlin !?" She asked looking for her answer , something that might've give her hope ..

Caitlin took her face in her hands and softly said "Look you did what you thought was right , and don't worry we'll get her back , I know that we will , right iris ?"  She turned to iris for support , she knew that her mother being confident was what will bring her back from guilt

"You're damn right we will " iris stood up , and kissed dawn's head , walking over to the coms she looked through the satellites to see any sign for Nora ..

Caitlin hugged dawn and dawn somehow stopped crying , Barry was looking at the three women in the room who were probably the most scared from this and still standing strong , he was not going to let them down , he won't let his daughter suffer because if Thawne  "Thawne's taken too much already , he is not taking any of our children away from us , not now ,  not ever "  he gritted between his teeth and went to the computer besides iris and looked through every facial recognition to find Nora ..

Minutes passed by and suddenly Caitlin Yelled "Barry , there's a meta alert near the grand cannon "

Barry and cisco came running in the cortex from the lab

"I'm picking up speed signatures " Caitlin said and that was all she needed to say for him to realize it could be his daughter trying to reach him .. she knew it was the spot where he came to relax and clear his head , and he always asked her to come with him ..

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