Chapter 11: What Does It Mean ?

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"You don't understand uncle cisco , what if I ! , what if I wasn't suppose to be hit by it , what if I've changed a solid moment in the timeline " she paced around here and there while cisco laid with a ice pack.on his head

"We're back to uncle cisco , now please Ella you can't call me that , God you really are Barry's daughter " he whisper yelled

"and I don't understand , what your going on and on about for 2 LONG HOURS " he yelled sitting up and finally getting a hold of her and sitting her down on the couch

"You don't understand , I could be erased out of existence " she said slamming her head in her hands , she never wanted to cause this , her dad was right , she had to train with her sister and brother , she was cursing herself that she didn't , she knew that she would've learned about most of these things , but she was stuck now ..

"Wow! " cisco stopped blank.on.her talking about erasing from existance

"Why would getting hit by whatever it was , erase you from existance? "

"I saw a memory , a memory of dad's , it was something that was erased at the bar , and if he got hit , he would've gotten it back , and I didn't let him !" She was rubbing her hands together like anyone in pure anxiety would do , what went through her mind was something so terrible she couldn't even imagined ...

"What was it ? " he asked

"What ?" She was suddenly back to her senses , chewing on.her nails , she was so confused , should she tell him ? Should she not ? How could she not tell him and rant about it infront of him.. her thought were eating her from.inside

"I don't know , if I should tell you yet , it was ... " she paused and tried to hunt for words to say and explain was it important or not ..

But he understood "its okay , don't tell me yet " he has seen barry do it so many times he did understand that it was a critical choice for her ..

"How about for now , we get your necklace back " he said with a reassuring smile on his face , it was clear why he was the only person she could trust among others , he always put everyone eles's emotion above his own , he always cares about others , his loyalty is commendable ..

"Yes , my necklace , but how ?" She had no.idea how they were going to get it back , she couldn't train , she couldn't even think.about going back to her time without that necklace , wothout that necklace nothing was possible ..

"Let's go " cisco stood up taking her with him ..

Caitlin was sitting in the med bay , looking at the computer screen infront of her , lost in.thoughts. probably trying to bury herself in work so she didn't had to face the bigger issue going her head ..

"Hey " a soft voice called out from behind , snapping her out of it , she turned around to see a very concern barry looking at her , leaning against the door ..

It was clear that he wasn't standing there just now , he was there for quite some time watching her work or to say lost ..

"Hi " she smiled at him., she somehow knew the question coming her way , she knew exactly when she saw his eyes , the concern in so clear , he was going to bring it up .. she wasn't sure if she wanted to talk about it ..

"What are you doing ?" He asked first , slowly walking towards the computer , trying to study her , and figure out what was the right time to talk to her ..

She turns her seat around to face the computer again and turn away from barry very conveniently , he smiled to himself at her expected move ..

"I was checking their DNA , the kid is a meta , their both related , I'm guessing he's the uncle , he doesn't have any kind of dark.matter " she said pointing to the computer

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