chapter 10: Zapped !

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"Central city bank , tell barry to get to the bank " cisco came in rushing and told caitlin to call barry , ella was behind him almost happy but also scared , they could see her expression and could not point out what she was feeling and it made caitlin and iris  confused

" what happened ?" Caitlin asked ella and cisco , ella was not able to give her a proper explanation but she did give her a satisfying nod , which didn't satisfy caitlin's head but her heart oddly was , and that made her even more confused .. she wanted to ask another question but she didn't more appropriately she couldn't , so iris did

"Cisco , explain ?"

"I vibed it , CCB is about to be robbed " he turned dramatically to iris and she ran back to the coms , and tried connecting with barry , meanwhile , cisco didnt wanted to miss a chance so put his suit on and turned to caitlin

"What say ? Up for some Cold Action ?" Cisco gave a questioning nodd to caitlin , who sighed and smiled , just when this was going on , ella was looking at them first trying to understand but when she did , it blew her mind away , and she started jumping and claPping , which made caitlin and cisco turn to her

She felt the eyes on her and stopped and fixed her hair "I'm just excited to see her in action " she exclaimed with all the happiness in her

"Seems like frosty has a fan " came a cold sarcastic voice almost enjoying herself as always , she looked at Ella and for once in her lifetime she was pulled back fora second , she felt so close to her ..

"You are ?" Frost spoke up , it was the first time since Ella had arrived did Frost appeared , she did appear on the battle feild but never infront of her casually chatting

"A Friend " Ella spoke "of team Flash" frost was fast enought to shrugg that warm feeling "isn't everybody in the world " she said smirking with proud , as cisco rolled her eyes

"Hey less chatting , more working " cisco snapped the girls out of their little chat time , and opened up a breach to what looked like a street outside Central city bank

"Hey You guys ? Iris called , what's going on " Barry sped up towards them making the oh so perfect hair of all 3 of them go poof , and land back on.their face more messed up than ever ..

"That was crazy fast " cisco jumped hearing barry reach up to him

"I vibed the robbery " cisco pointed to the bank , which looked absolutely fine and working just as it would on a regular basis , just city buisness ..

"Here " cisco pulled up 4 head gears of some kind ,and gave to to 3 of them "what's this ?" Barry asked , "it's a wave inhibitor , any kind of wave generated towards us to effect out brain would be stopped with it " he explained , but neither one could understand when did he had the time to make it so quicklu

All eyes were on him and he knew what the second question would be "I made this for dominique , the psychic guy " he reasoned , and frost and barry got immedeately who he was talking baout

"Remind me to take you to Fashion classic Class " frost commented looking vagely at the inhibitor

"Let's go inside , but wait , you go as cait , you can change when or if there's a supposed robbery , Ella you also go with cait , I'll enter from the back side see if there's a backup van or something " barry suggested the plan and told everyone to move

"Hey , he forgot me "cisco said offended , just when barry came running back "breach into the vaault , if anything's different "barry quickly said and super sped away which brougt a very happy smile on his face

"Okay guys , I've got eyes on you ! What's happening ?" Iris spoke through the Coms , and 4 of them could hear her , and they instantly look.up at the closest CCTV camera and realized Iris had tapped into them thanks to Cisco and Felicity's Hacking software , she was getting the hang of it somehow ..

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