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Chapter 11| Wolf Problems

I could feel this gross mud sticking onto my face as I laid on my back, bathing in the moonlight that lit up the field I was in. 

I had run from Rese with no intention of doing so, but I had run anyways. I knew that being around people would turn out devastating for both me and the people, so I had stayed far away, stumbling through the wild forest, trying to find something familiar to base my location on, but I still had no idea where I was. So I just gave up and waited. 

I still had no idea what was going on, and to be honest I was terrified of what would happen when the sun came up, because right now–under the moonlight–It felt almost peaceful, despite the panic that surged through my veins like a wildfire. 

I was a fucking wolf for God's sake! That was not normal under any standards, but here I was. 

I rolled over onto my stomach, legs flailing as I did so as I heard a snap from the tree line. My ears perked up as I saw a dark figure moving through the trees silently. I barked quietly, and the figure halted, looking over at me. I whined as it came out of the tree line, and a male was illuminated by the moon. He stopped and stared at me for a minute or two, and then he cautiously started to approach me. I growled lowly, my ears flicking back low. 

"I'm not going to hurt you, wolf." He says, holding his hands up, and I stop growling at him, watching as his eyes glowed a little, telling me he was no harm. I sat down slowly, and the man walked right up to me. He looked around for a second, before he sighed, looking down at me again. 

"You're a long way from home, Lykos (Wolf). You're lucky I had some warning." He says, and I tilt my head to the side a little. Warning? He smiles a little, and I lean back as he tries to reach forwards and touch me. He pulls his hand back, "Let's get going, Lykos, your family is expecting you to survive the night, and laying out in a field on your back isn't going to get you closer to sunrise." He says, and I growl at him defensively. There was nothing wrong with laying here. 

He starts to walk back to the tree line and I hesitate for a second before I follow him. My footsteps were silent as I followed him through the forest, still having no idea where I was. That was until I saw the tree I had practically destroyed falling down a hill. The man looked back at me with a raised eyebrow, and I chuffed at him, looking away in embarrassment.

He laughs, saying, "It's alright, Lykos, it happens. Except it doesn't happen on a half-moon, you're just special in that way." I look at him, and I chuff again, having no idea what he meant by half-moon change. 

I run into the man as he suddenly stops, and my ears snap up as I hear footsteps close by–human footsteps. I look up at the man for a  second, seeing an alert and focused expression on his face, and then I look down and around the dark forest. Someone was here and watching us.

"You know, I would've thought you'd be larger." Someone suddenly said, and I raised my hackles, getting into a defensive position as two hunting dogs slink out of the darkness, and then a giant–I mean giant–man comes out of the darkness as well, smirking at me specifically. The man in front of me growls at him, taking a step more in front of me, blocking my view. 

"She's larger than any warriors in our pack, she's not a monster wolf." The man in front of me says, and the guy chuckles darkly, sending shivers down my spine. I growl lowly at the hunting dogs as they circle us, staying absolutely silent as they stared at me. 

"No, she's not." The guy muses, and I look around the man's leg, staring at him. His presence drew me in, and I couldn't help but stare at him in awe. He was a giant. 

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