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Chapter 23| Just Like The Moon

Rese had explained to me that when Siras pulled me back here, my hair had begun to slowly turn a silvery/white color and it was still changing–slow turning from brown to silver/white.

That and Russet and Salmon had come back safely, but my hair was much more important.

After a good half hour of me crying, wanting my old hair back and Rese not knowing how to comfort me, I came to my senses and realized that this was because of that huge burst of power I had used to save myself from being mauled by three wolves. 

It was the price to pay for using so much power. 

So after Rese had left to go sleep because it was currently five in the morning, the room fell silent again, and I continued to stare up at the ceiling with a headache pounding inside my skull. 

"And you were just like the moon, so lonely, so full of imperfections. But just like the moon, you shined in times of darkness." I suddenly heard Siras quoting quietly, and I looked over at him as he stood up, standing up tall. I smiled tiredly, having heard that quote before. 

"You're one of them from Canada." I tell him as he sits down on the edge of the king-sized bed I was currently taking up, and he leaned over, pressing his hand to my forehead. 

"I thought you would have figured that out much sooner, Starshine." He murmurs, not looking at my eyes as he looked me over. His eyes were a stunning sky blue color. 

"To be fair, you were a wolf for the majority of the time we talked." I tell him quietly and his lips twitch up as his eyes finally connect with mine. He hums, his eyes sparkling with a dark hue. 

"Let me show you a magic trick." He says, his voice slight rougher as I feel an icy cool flow from his palm on my forehead. The light in the corner of the room dimmed and I closed my eyes as my headache slowly started to disappear, and I visibly relaxed. "We're going to have to talk about that horrible battle plan you came up with sooner or later, Starshine." He croons after a moment, and I let out a quiet laugh as I open my eyes, seeing his amused look. 

"Are you suggesting that I didn't have tactic? And don't call me Starshine, that's a pet name." I tell him, and he raises an eyebrow, pulling his hand away from my forehead. Something about my own comment made a string in my heart strum. 

"I'm not suggesting anything, I'm telling you that there was no tactic, and as for Starshine...well, I quite like it. It suits you." He says, standing up off the bed. I watch as he walks around the room, stopping in front of one of the three windows that looked out into the front yard. 

"I thought you were a gentleman." I announce and he chuckles, looking over his shoulder at me. I get a great view of not only how tall he was but I also noticed what he was wearing. It looked like something out of Star Wars that an imperial leader would wear. 

"I never said I was a gentleman, Calina." He drawls out and I roll my eyes. 'I said I was peaceful. They're two different words.' I flinch a little, still surprised everything his voice rang out in my head. It wasn't like someone was talking to me through my mind on a daily basis. 

'Why can we do this?' I ask him inwardly, the room going silent. 

'Do what? Talk to each other through our minds?' He asks and I nod once, 'It's something like a mate bond, but the magical explanation for it runs much deeper and further back than any mating bond goes. You have a mate bond with Rese, but it's not fully formed yet. Surprisingly.' I make a sound of interest at this new information.

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