Hot Hunk (Logan)

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Hot Hunk -Logan One Shot

The loud bass shook the floor, reminding you of an earthquake. Your best friend was no where in sight and you were sitting at the bar...alone. Which wasn't really a surprise since (Y/BFF/N) could get rowdy when she's had one too many shots.

You didn't even want to come tonight. You had tons of work to do since your boss was a jerk. You also really wanted to catch up on your show. The last episode ended on a cliffhanger and then (Y/BFF/N) called and told you you were coming out with her.

So, here you were. Drinking away your latest thoughts and watching everyone else have a fun Friday night. But was it really all that fun? Was this night of drinking really worth the headache you'd definitely be waking up with in the morning?

You guessed it was considering how many shots you've seen everyone take.

You were so busy watching everyone else that you didn't even feel someone take a seat beside you. "Hey." He greeted, slightly nodding his head at you.

You jumped, surprised at his sudden appearance. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He apologized, giving you a friendly smile.

Usually random guys at the bar were creeps.

But he was different.

Something about his appearance seemed so familiar. "Do I know you?" You suddenly asked, furrowing your (E/C) eyes at him.

He slightly scrunched the side of his face and shook his head. "Nope. Would have definitely remembered you if I had."

You lightly giggled. He was obviously flirting, but for some reason you didn't mind. You were trying to stay away from guys for a while and focus on your career. Having a boyfriend made it difficult to move up in the ranks since your job requires a lot of moving around the country.

"I swear, I've seen you from somewhere," you continued. "Did you go to school around here?"

"Oh no. I'm from Texas," he quickly answered, shaking his head. "What about you? You from around here?" He asked, quickly changing the subject.

Usually, you would take that as a sign to leave. He didn't want to talk about himself. Creeps never talk about their lives, only the victims they're stalking. But, you were intrigued by his appearance. His brown eyes and dark hair looked so familiar. 

"Yeah, I grew up here," you nodded, giving him a soft smile. "I never did catch a name." You teased, smirking at him.

"Logan." He answered, smiling back at you.

"(Y/N)." You nodded back, sitting a little taller. He lightly laughed, his dimples visible in the dark blue lights.

"So, (Y/N)," he began, leaning close to you. "What do you do for fun around here?"

"Well, you're looking at it," you declared, showcasing the bar. "As you can tell, everyone is very happy getting wasted."

"And high." He added, his lips on his glass. He tossed his head back, drowning the drink.

You hummed in agreement. "If I'm going to be honest, this isn't really my idea of fun." You confessed. You weren't really sure why you said that. Maybe it was the alcohol?

"I can tell. You've been sitting here looking gloomy the whole night." He chuckled, his brown eyes meeting your (E/C) eyes.

"So you've been watching me all night, now?" You teased, lightly laughing. He shrugged his shoulder, tapping his glass on the bar. Quickly, the bartender filled his glass again.

"And give (Y/N) another refill of whatever she had." He added, pointing towards you, giving a smile.

"Logan, seriously. You don't have to do that. I can get my own." You replied, digging in your purse to find some money. Before you could pull it out, Logan had already paid.

"Hey, my treat. Gentlemen gotta pay, right?" He asked, after you sent him a tiny glare.

"I suppose," you sighed, looking at your glass. "Only this time, though." You declared, hold a finger up at him.

"This time as in this night, right?" He teased, picking up his glass. You rolled your (E/C) eyes and tossed your drink back with him.


Before you knew it, you and Logan were both wasted and could hardly hold your heads up. You were both laughing up a storm as you asked for more shots. You were definitely going to have a headache tomorrow.

"Oh, I love this song." You cooed, resting your hands over your chest. The world was a little tipsy and Logan definitely looked more attractive than before. Did he always have that cute of a laugh?

"When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath. But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight." He sang, closing his eyes as he belted it out. Suddenly, everything clicked in your drunken mind.

"Oh, my god!" You exclaimed, slightly jumping at him.

"What?" He asked, surprised by your actions.

"You're Logan Henderson," you breathed. "I-I grew up listening to you and I used to have this huge celebrity crush on you!" You stuttered.

"Used to? Please, I'm still hot." He grinned, his head slightly rolling from the alcohol.

"Well, yeah. But I haven't seen you in years. I haven't heard your voice in years. Why are you here?" You rambled, waving your hands as you spoke.

He grabbed your hands, a smile plastered sloppily on his charming face. "I was just taking a little break. I recently released some of my own songs. And I'm here because I wanted to get away from the big cities and go to a small town. Never would have imagine someone would recognize me, though." He explained, his voice slightly slurred.

"Well, I did." You grinned, not moving your hands. They felt so warm being held by him.

"So, you said you have a celebrity crush on me?" He asked, a smirk growing on his face.

"Yeah, but when I was younger, I was in love with James." You replied, hoping to get some sort of spark out of Logan.

"What? You liked James more than me?" He laughed, shaking his head at you.

You shrugged your shoulders, smirking at him. "What can I say? Like the nerd on the show or like the hot hunk? I think it was an easy choice." You teased, giggling afterwards.

"I was a hot hunk, too," he defended, laughing along. "I still am a hot hunk."


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