Hair (Short Story)

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Hair -Boys Pre-famous Short Story

"Please! Kendall's mom is letting him grow out his hair!" Logan begged.

"And that's Jennifer's rules, not mine." Joanna, Logan's mom, replied. Logan groaned, pouting up at her.

"But everyone else is doing it, too!" He whined.

"For the last time, Logan. No. You're getting your hair cut next week and that's final." She answered, her voice now hard. He opened his mouth to complain again, but his dad looked at him and coughed, signaling to drop it.

He let out a huff and stormed away. Why couldn't his parents understand? After all, he was in fourth grade now. They should understand by now that he could totally make important decisions by himself.


"So, Carlos. What did your mom say about getting hockey hair?" Kendall asked as the boys are at the lunch table. Hockey season was approaching. The temperature was quickly dropping and the boys were itching to get on the ice.

"She doesn't know yet. She wants me to look good for Christmas pictures so maybe after." He replied before shoving a corndog into his mouth.

"My parents are cool with it. They just don't want me to have a mullet." James stated, combing through his already long hair. Surprisingly, he didn't get any hair into his food.

"What about you, Logator?" Kendall asked, nodding towards the quiet brunette. Logan fidgeted in his seat, a frown on his face.

"My mom said no." He groaned, shuffling his food around.

"Not surprised." James shrugged as the rest of the guys gasped.

"Did you tell her that we're all doing it?" Carlos asked, his brown eyes wide in shock.

"Or that my mom says it's okay?" Kendall added.

"Yeah, I told her all of that," Logan exclaimed. "She said I still have to go to my haircut next week."

"What are we going to do, Kendall? We can't let Logan be the odd one out. He needs to have hockey hair!" Carlos exclaimed, getting the attention of some of the students in the lunchroom.

Kendall shushed them all and motioned them to huddle close. "Look, we're going to get you hockey hair."

"How? I can't break the rules. My mom said I have to get a hair cut." Logan huffed, pulling on his hair.

"We have to break them, Logan. It's the only way." James argued, making Logan frown and scrunch his nose. That was the worst part about joining this group. Breaking the rules was a common occurrence.

"Don't worry, it won't be too bad." Kendall assured.

"And we'll help." Carlos smiled.

"Alright, so Plan A is..." Kendall trailed, a smirk growing on his lips.


"Alright, Logan. Ready for this hair cut?" Joanna asked, looking at him in the back.

"I guess." He sighed, looking out the window.

Plan A: make her feel guilty. Logan put on his biggest, saddest eyes.

His mom let out a sigh, clearly feeling sympathy. Logan glanced up, seeing her looking at the road again.

He had to try harder. He started fake sniffling, hoping she would think he was crying. "I know you really want hockey hair, but your father and I both think you'll be much happier in the future with a nice, clean cut." She said.

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