Movie Night (Logan)

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Movie Night -Logan One Shot

"Please, Logan!" You begged, tightly gripping his arm. "I really, really wanna see this movie!"

He shook his head, his brown eyes studying his phone. "No. I don't wanna go see some sappy, romance movie." He scoffed.

"But it's based on a book! You love books!" You continued, slightly shaking his arm. You were both sitting in the apartment, arguing about what to do for the day. Neither one of you wanted to go to pool and the park was out of the question.

Since you two had finally begun to date, the guys were constantly teasing you two. Logan claimed that it was basically a right of passage, but it happened so often that you began to think they just liked to annoy you. Especially because you two never seemed to find any time to be alone, besides this moment since the guys were in the park trying to earn a few quick bucks with Katie.

"You're right, I do love books," he answered, now glancing towards you. "But not some stupid, romance novel."

You pouted, slightly slouching.

You really, really wanted to see that movie, especially because you had read the book. You just had to find a way to talk Logan into going.

Maybe bribery.

"If you take me to this movie, I'll clean your hockey stuff for you." You offered, plastering on a huge smile. He chuckled, turning his phone off and twisting his body to face you.

"You'll clean my hockey stuff?" He repeated, arching an eyebrow at you. You nodded your head eagerly, praying he would agree. "You don't know the first thing about hockey!" He laughed.

"So? Just because I don't know hockey doesn't mean I can't clean the stuff." You shrugged, smiling at him.

"It kinda does matter," he grinned, nodding his head at you. "You and I both know I'm a perfectionist. Meaning, I like it done a certain way. My skates have to be sharpened from the south end to the north end. I like my helmet to be cleaned with-"

"Okay, okay." You cut him off, making him laugh. "Maybe I won't clean your hockey stuff. What if I do your chores around the house for a week?" You asked.

His brown eyes light up with excitement as they met your (E/C) ones. "As awesome as that sounds, you do realize that we'll just receive more teasing from the guys the whole time, right?"

"Oh, whatever," you waved away. "They'll just be jealous that their girlfriends won't clean for them."

"That's exactly why they'll tease us," he laughed, running his fingers through his dark hair. "They'll call me a baby for having a girl do a man's job or something stupid like that." He explained, lightly laughing.

You groaned, tossing your head back against the couch. "Can't they ever leave us alone?"

Logan laughed, wrapping his arm over your shoulder. "(Y/N), you should know by now that that will never happen."

You huffed, softly vibrating your lips. Logan opened his phone again, scrolling through who knows what. As he was distracted, you continued to think of ideas to get him to take you out to the movie.

Bribery didn't work. Maybe offering money?

"I'll give you twenty bucks." You stated, still staring at the ceiling.

You felt him turn and look at you. He scoffed, shaking his head. "As much as I like free money, I'm not taking your's."

"So you'll take me for free?"

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