MN Girl (Kendall)

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MN Girl -Kendall One Shot

"The land of ten thousand lakes," you sighed, slightly slashing your feet in the lake water. "Did they count ponds when coming up with that number?"

"Probably." Kendall chuckled, laying down. Kendall had come home from LA this week to come visit. The best way for you two to get away from the guys? Go to your secret spot at the lake.

"I'm surprised you still remember the way here. You haven't been home in a long time, Ken." You said, looking down at him, staring into his bright green eyes.

"I couldn't forget the way here even if I wanted to," he grinned, resting his hands under his head. "I'm surprised that this old dock hasn't collapsed yet."

You giggled, slightly shaking the old, wooden dock. It had vines and spiderwebs all over it, signaling it hadn't been touched in years, besides by you two. "It lasted through the last hail storm."

He hummed, closing his eyes. The hot sun was beating down, making you thankful that you packed a cooler full of drinks. It was probably the hottest summer Minnesota had had in years.

"Pass me a pop, (Y/NN)," Kendall stated, sitting up. You reached deep into the cooler, pulling out his favorite kind. "Thanks." He smiled, cracking open.

"So, what's it like living in LA?" You asked, smiling. You were hesitant at first about Kendall and the guys leaving to become famous. Not only were you losing some of your only friends, but you were losing the love of your life.

Sure, you were only sixteen at the time, but you were deeply in love with the blonde. His bold attitude and leadership left an impression on your teenage heart. The idea of him leaving you for millions of other girls crushed your heart.

Before Kendall had left though, he promised to skype you everyday and that you would be the only one on his mind. At the time, you thought he was lying. After all, he was a sixteen-year-old boy trying to become famous. He was bound to meet prettier celebrities and forget about you.

But just like he promised, he never forgot about you and skyped you every night.

"LA is way different than Minnesota." He began, making you laugh.

"No shit, Sherlock." You fired back before taking a sip from your pop.

"Anyways," he trailed, leaning towards you, making you giggle. "It's so weird that there's no snow in winter. Everyone there is completely unique. And I hardly see any trucks."

"You miss hearing the hicks revving their truck's engine in the school parking lot?" You asked, lightly laughing.

"I hate to admit it, but I miss the hicks!" Kendall declared, making you laugh and toss back your head.

"Well, the hicks miss you hockey heads, too." You smiled, leaning towards Kendall. He chuckled and rolled his green eyes. The hicks were the kids in school who always wore their cowboy boots, drove big trucks, and weren't afraid to stand up for what they believed in. They lived in the country on their farms, which they were very proud of. It took a lot of work to keep the farms running.

"How has Minnesota been without us hockey heads, anyways?" Kendall asked, tossing back his drink.

You shrugged your shoulders. "Alright. The wrestlers and the basketball kids go at each other for who's the better winter sport since hockey lost the title."

"Hockey lost the title this year? How? We were gone for one season!" Kendall exclaimed.

You raised your hands in surrender. "Hey, you guys weren't there to help defend it. They didn't have your great schemes this time."

Kendall cursed under his breath, shaking his head in disappointment. "In good news, they still have your guys' lockers saved in case you wanna come back here and graduate."

"Please, they only have those saved so that when we're huge celebrities they can give it to the town museum and brag that this was our hometown." Kendall scoffed.

"Maybe," you sighed, looking down at the green water. "But they really do want you guys to graduate here. We've all known each other since kindergarten."

"Well, Logan came in third grade so since third grade." Kendall countered, smirking at you.

"Okay, since third grade." You repeated, mocking his voice.

You both sat in silence, splashing your feet in the cool water and watching the sun set in the west. It dipped into the green water, turning the sky from a deep red to a peaceful gray.

"We should probably head back. Your mom's probably worried sick. Especially since we don't have cell service here." Kendall said, standing up. He held out his hand to you, helping you to stand up.

"My mom's loosened the reigns a little more now that we've gotten older." You stated, brushing yourself off.

"Great, now I can't sneak you out of the house?" Kendall asked as he grabbed the cooler. You giggled, intertwining your fingers with his open hand.

"Well, you could. But it would be counterproductive considering my mom would approve." You smiled, leaning against his body.

Around you, the fireflies began to twinkle awake. It was a beautiful Minnesota sight. The mosquitos were no where to be found and holding your hand was your Kendall. "Would ya quit staring at me?" He teased, looking down at you.

"Sorry, I just want to remember this forever." You cooed. He stopped, setting down the cooler.

Without missing a beat, his hand cupped your cheek and his lips met yours. You closed your eyes, getting lost in the moment. He really was home again. Your Kendall was back in Minnesota kissing you!

"I missed you." He breathed against your lips.

"I missed you, too." You replied. Just like before, his lips were back on yours but with a fiery hunger. Dancing around you were fireflies and a cool breeze swirled through your (H/C) hair.

It was a Minnesota Miracle that he was back.

"That's my Minnesota girl." He smirked as you both let go. You giggled as he led you back to the car. God, you had missed this. You had missed him.


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