The Zit (Short Story)

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The Zit -Boys Short Story

"Ah!" James shrieked from the bathroom. The rest of the guys rolled their eyes and continued eating their cereal. They weren't too worried about James. It was most likely some beauty mishap that wasn't a big deal, besides to James.

Suddenly, the bathroom door slammed loudly shut. They glanced towards the door then back at each other. "Well, that's a first." Kendall stated. Logan and Carlos nodded in agreement.

Without speaking, the boys quickly threw their empty bowls into the sink then rushed to the door. "James, open up! I gotta pee!" Carlos whined, pounding on the door.

"Nope! No one's allowed in here!" James shouted back, making the boys roll their eyes.

"Why?" Kendall asked.

"Because I look hideous! No one can see James Diamond at his worst!" He argued, anxiety and seriousness present in his voice.

"James, we've been friends since third grade. I'm sure we can all agree that we've seen each other in our worst." Logan reasoned, hoping James would just open the door. He wasn't really worried about James. He mostly just wanted to brush his teeth.

"Really? Name one time that you've looked completely awful!" James demanded, his voice now sounding very defensive.

"When I got sick on the school field trip in sixth grade." Kendall offered, looking at the other guys. Both of them scrunched their noses in disgust. Kendall did look really terrible then.

"When I accidentally pulled the pin on one of our smoke bombs freshman year. I smelt like rotting trash for over a week." Logan added, making the boys slightly gag. They wouldn't sit next to him at lunch that entire time.

"And that one time in middle school when I tried to dye my hair a super cool red and it came out pink." Carlos shrugged. Both Kendall,and Logan gave a smile of sympathy and nodded their heads. Carlos had pink hair for almost two months.

It was silent, making the boys think that maybe James would open the door. "Well, this is worse than all of those experiences combined!" He exclaimed.

"Open the door!" Kendall shouted back, this time visibly annoyed.


"Alright, Carlos. You have the floor." Kendall whispered, showcasing the bathroom door. Both Logan and Kendall backed away as Carlos smirked and tapped his helmet twice.

He let out a loud scream then rammed through the door. James shrieked as the rest of the guys burst into the bathroom. "James has a zit!" Carlos laughed, pointing to the end of James' nose.

James shrieked again, covering up the zit with his hands.

"Seriously? Hiding in the bathroom because of a zit?" Kendall asked as he grabbed his toothbrush and the toothpaste.

"Don't you know what it means to have zits?" James gasped. Kendall and Carlos shook their heads, staring at James. "Having a zit means that you're starting to get ugly and soon you'll be covered in them! Being ugly and covered in zits means no girl will ever talk to you again."

Carlos let out a scream as Logan rolled his eyes. "Having one zit doesn't mean you'll get more or become ugly," he argued as he brushed his teeth. "It just means your pores are blocked with oil and it's a part of life." He explained, though it was slightly hard to understand.

"Words I can understand." James scoffed.

Logan rolled his eyes again, clearly annoyed with having to repeat himself. "You're just going through puberty. Just wash your face tonight and it should go away in a few days."

"A few days? I want it away now!" James cried, stomping his foot.

"James, nobody's even going to notice. It'll be gone soon." Kendall replied, shrugging his shoulders.


"Honey, I'm not going to let you stay home from school all because of a zit." Ms. Knight argued. It had been two days since the zit appeared on the end James' nose. Even though Kendall said no one would notice, everyone noticed. It was hard not to.

"Please! Just one day!" James begged. Ms. Knight shook her head then walked back into the kitchen. James slouched and continued eating his oatmeal. It was worth a shot.

Suddenly, a loud scream came from the bathroom. Carlos rushed out, pointing at his cheek. "You gave me a zit!" He shouted.

"I didn't mean to!" James argued, worry clear in his eyes. "I had no idea I was contagious."

Kendall rolled his eyes. "Guys, zits aren't contagious," he scoffed. He glanced Logan. "Right?"

Logan nodded his head then looked back at James and Carlos. "Kendall's right. Zits aren't contagious. Everyone gets them."

"Then why don't you two have any zits?" Carlos asked, pointing at Kendall and Logan.

They shrugged their shoulders, both having no idea why they didn't have any. They were just thankful they weren't given the curse of the dreaded zit.


"No!" Logan shouted from the bathroom. He rushed out, pointing at his forehead. "Look what's happened!"

James and Carlos both burst out laughing. "Oh, I thought mine was in a bad spot!" Carlos laughed.

"Yeah, I least I don't have one right in the middle of my forehead like a target!" James joined in, pointing at his own forehead as he laughed.

"Oh, whatever, Rudolph." Logan snarked back. James immediately shrieked and covered his nose again.

"Guys, calm down. They're just little zits. They'll go away soon. I promise." Kendall declared, trying to break up the fight.

"Easy for you to say, clear skin!" Carlos frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. Logan and James immediately joined in, glaring at Kendall.

"I'm sure we can find something to cover up your zits." Kendall replied, raising his hands in surrender.


"Makeup?!" Carlos exclaimed, holding Ms. Knight's concealer.

"No way. You aren't putting any on me." Logan immediately defended.

"Look, do wanna hide your zits or what?" Kendall asked, snatching the concealer from Carlos' hands.

"Hit me." James declared, pointing at his nose.


Surprisingly, the concealer did a fabulous job at hiding the boys' zits. Eventually, the zits had gone away and they were back to normal. Everyone had their clear skin back and they were as happy as hockey players in the middle of winter.

Well, everyone except Kendall.

"No!" Kendall shouted from the bathroom. Quickly, the boys rushed into the bathroom to see Kendall with a zit on his nose, his cheek, and his forehead.

"I'll go get the concealer." Logan declared, before he left the room.

"I call putting it on Kendall!" James grinned, raising his hand.

"No fair! I wanted to!" Carlos frowned, slightly shoving James.

"You both can!" Kendall shouted, getting between the two. "Just help me hide it, please!" He cried, staring at his set of zits in the mirror. Why couldn't he have just gotten them at the same time as his friends?


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