Chapter Seven

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Oscar woke with a start, as something soft hit him with quite a force.

 Abruptly sitting bolt upright, he blinked the sleep from his eyes. From the corner of the room, Will grinned at him. ‘Morning, sleepy head,’ he said, picking up the pillow he’d just thrown at his friend. ‘Thought I’d wake you up.’

 Oscar grunted. ‘Cheers for that.’

 ‘You’re welcome.’ Will glanced at his friend, and then grinned again, gesturing with his eyes to Oscar’s nether regions: it appeared other parts of Oscar were bolt upright too. ‘Been dreaming about Morgie?’ he inquired.

 Oscar was the one to throw the pillow this time. ‘Ew, man, what the hell were you doing looking down there?’

 Will raised his eyebrows.

Oscar flopped back against the headboard of the bed, sleepily closing his eyes. ‘Always knew you were gay,’ he said. ‘God, my head hurts.’

‘Mm,’ Will agreed. ‘Ezra got us some bloody strong stuff.’

Oscar’s eyes snapped open. ‘Is Ezra here?’ he asked quickly. ‘Did he come home?’

Will shook his head. ‘Nope. Haven’t seen him. He went home with some girl, and I don’t think he’s been in since.’

Oscar swore under his breath. ‘I knew he’d do something stupid like that.’

Will shrugged. ‘Most people do it out here,’ he commented, going to look out of the window, through which bright sunlight was streaming.

‘Are you planning to?’ Oscar asked, with interest.

Will turned and shot him a look. ‘What do you think?’

Oscar lifted his hands in a gesture of submission. ‘Well, you never know!’

Will snorted. ‘You’re one to talk, Hadley.’

‘What do you mean?!’ Oscar protested, despite the fact that he knew all too well what he meant.

‘I believe I saw you hooking up with Morgie at the same party,’ Will said devilishly.

‘So?’ asked Oscar, weakly.

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