Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Sooo, the next chapter is the last! :( Hope you've enjoyed so far, and thank you so much for reading! :D

Their last full day dawned bright and sunny. Peering out of the windows of the hotel room, April felt a smile stretch over her face unwittingly, despite the fact that she’d had precious little to smile about since last night.

Morgie rolled over in bed, blinking up at her. ‘Alright?’ she asked, sleepily, as the sun burst through the curtains, hitting her full in the face.

April nodded. ‘Guess so.’

‘What happened last night?’ she asked, sitting upright.

Laurel emerged from the shower, hair up in a turban. ‘You fell asleep as soon as you got in,’ she said, with a smile.

For a moment, April forgot her sadness, and looked at Laurel with interest. She seemed much happier, much less serious since her admission. Thinking about it, it wasn’t that surprising. April herself had often found that after admitting something which had been weighing on her mind, she often felt ten times better, even if the problem was unresolved.

‘Did I?’ Morgie rubbed her eyes. ‘Mm. Sorry, April, I should have been there for you,’ she said, sorrowfully. ‘Did you have a rough time with Ezra?’

‘Don’t fret,’ April said kindly, touching her lightly on the shoulder. ‘I think I was asleep when you came in anyway.’ She looked at her nails, the paint on them slightly chipped. ‘It was pretty crap with Ezra, though, yes.’

Morgie winced. ‘Did you kiss?’

‘Unfortunately.’ April sighed, and flopped against the headboard of Laurel’s bed. ‘It was just all so tense and awkward, and then like old times when we kissed. But…’

She couldn’t find the words to describe it. Ezra had tried, definitely, but she just couldn’t seem to let go of the past. And it didn’t help that every single one of his words and actions pissed her off.

‘It’s like all the emotions- all the bad emotions- inside of me just come out whenever he’s around,’ she said, eventually. ‘I don’t know.’

Morgie sat up properly, reaching out and touching her friend’s arm. ‘Aww, April. He really sucks.’

‘He wasn’t being quite so bad,’ April said honestly. ‘He was attempting to talk things through.’ She shook her head. ‘He just riles me. So. Much.’

Laurel frowned, perching on the end of her bed, one leg neatly crossed over the other. ‘Perhaps it’s because you don’t really know what happened; I guess you don’t know why you ended.’

‘Lack of closure, do you mean?’ put in Morgie, thoughtfully.

‘Something like that,’ Laurel said. ‘I don’t think you’re over him, April, or you haven’t forgiven him at least. You’re both still hung up on each other.’

April twisted her lips. ‘God, I don’t know. He’s just pissing me off.’

‘And George?’ put in Morgie, rather slyly.

‘Hasn’t texted in forever,’ April said glumly. ‘I think Ezra dragging me off during our kissing session freaked him out.’

‘I guess that’s fair enough,’ said Morgie. ‘It probably seemed like you had the ex from hell.’

April laughed. ‘Sometimes, Morgs, I think I do.’

Laurel unraveled her hair from her turban, combing through it with her fingers, so the damp strands began to straighten out. ‘Well, don’t let him ruin your last day here,’ she said solemnly. ‘One day. Time has just flown, hasn’t it?’

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