The Dark Moon

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The scene opens in Mexico, in a town on a plateau. Stiles and Lydia look around, seeming lost, and Stiles comments that it doesn't seem so bad. Lydia thinks their plan is possibly the stupidest plan they've ever come up with. She thinks they're going to die. Stiles asks if she's saying that as a banshee prediction or because she's just being pessimistic. She's just being pessimistic, so he asks that she keep her death-related comments to just banshee predictions. They snipe at one another a little more, then make their way to a building with guards outside.

Lydia asks in Spanish if this is the place where the party is. The guard shakes his head, so Stiles digs a card out of his pocket. It has a stylized skull on it, which the guard clearly recognizes. He motions toward a camera, and Stiles holds the card up for the security camera to see. The door unlocks, letting them in. The place seems creepy at first, and the walls shake. But what they walk in to turns out to be a night club.

Severo watches from an upper level and informs Araya that they have visitors. Stiles and Lydia clearly stand out from the crowd. They head to the bar and are given shots unexpectedly, which Stiles goes to pay for. Severo appears behind him, however, and tells them the drinks are on the house. They don't take the shots, and Severo points out that most American teens don't cross the border to refuse a drink. "We didn't come to drink," Lydia says, then drops one of Severo's spent shell casings into the shot.

They are taken upstairs. Araya is pulling out stitches with a knife. She comments that Severo hates the dance music, but she loves the music of youth. "We're here for Derek Hale," Lydia says. She tells them that she's heard they can be bought. Stiles puts $50k on the table as their offer. Araya asks where a teenager gets money like that and wonders if he got it from the Japanese mafia. The hunters around the room cock their weapons, and Araya leans in. "Not smart to come alone." Stiles looks at her. "What makes you think we came alone?"

Somehow, Malia, Kira, and Scott all got into the party before Lydia and Stiles. Araya accuses Stiles of bringing a wolf into her home. "We brought an alpha," Stiles replies. Hunters start looking through the crowd for anyone suspicious. Kira runs up to Malia, concerned because she can tell something is happening. Malia advises her to blend in, so Kira starts dancing poorly. It's so painfully bad that even Malia looks distressed, so she puts her hand on Kira's back and draws her into dancing with her. They quickly start grinding against one another, drawing approving looks from the crowd.

Meanwhile, Araya tells Stiles and Lydia that their timing is poor. It's the dark moon, the part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky. She asks them if they know it's meaning. Lydia replies that it's a time of reflection and grief. Araya asks them why, when they have suffered so much grief, they would risk it again for "someone like Derek Hale." "Cause we don't like to lose," Stiles says. The guards start calling in their all clears, but North doesn't answer. Severo keeps calling over the radio. Scott picks up the unconscious guard's radio and says, "Stiles, take 10 off the table."

Stiles pockets $10k, and Lydia suggests to Arayathat she take the deal. Araya declines. The huntersin the bar make their move toward Malia and Kira. Kira has somehow been hiding a pair of glowing nunchucks this whole time. Malia takes out one guard while Kira takes out the other. Scott grabs a third and throws him into a wall. The three of them head up torward Araya's office.

Stiles asks for Derek again. "You don't want him anyway. Haven't you noticed what a downer he is? No sense of humor, poor conversationalist. Just come on, take the money." Araya grabs her radio and orders Severo to show them how the Calaveras negotiate. Severo floods the hallway of the club with wolfsbane smoke. Scott shouts and shoves Kira away, trying to get her to run. A hunter comes in and knocks Kira out. She otherwise seemed unaffected by the wolfsbane, unlike Malia, who collapses just like Scott. Araya tells Scott that someone who's only been an alpha a few months should be more careful when facing a hunter of 40 years.

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