A Promise to the Dead

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A man turns on a lightbulb and then drags a body bag into an industrial freezer which has both animals and people hanging from hooks. He drops the bag and leans down close to it, listening. Suddenly, someone in the bag struggles, and he tells them to relax because he's going to open it. He does, revealing a girl bound in duct tape. "It's Kalissa, right?" he asks. She nods and sees knives on the wall. He tells her that she isn't going to be leaving there. He then tells her that contrary to traditional culinary practices, to someone like him the kill tastes better when it's been frightened.

The man is a wendigo, and he snarls in her face trying to frighten her more. Kalissa looks over his shoulder and suddenly stops struggle. Deaton is standing there, and he whips out a baton. The wendigo grabs meat hooks, and they fight. As he's about to win, the wendigo informs Deaton that the deadpool is over, so he isn't going to get paid. "I'm not here to kill you, Patrick," Deaton says. "I'm taking you back to Eichen House where they know all about your culinary practices." He then knocks Patrick out with one blow to the head.

Deaton takes the tape off Kalissa's mouth, and she asks him if he's a cop. With a slight frown he replies, "Veterinarian."

At Eichen House, they wheel Patrick away. Dr. Conrad Fenris works at Eichen House now. It's unclear how long this has been true. He advises Deaton against going to see the man he intends to see. Deaton replies that he came through on his end of their bargain and all he wants to do is talk to him. "The last person that went to see Valack left the room but not the building," Fenris says. Deaton isn't swayed and heads to see Valack anyway.

Dr. Valack is behind a plexiglass wall in his cell. He says that Deaton must be important because they don't usually let people get this close. Valack complains that while they let him read, all he gets are trashy romance novels. He tosses the one in his hand onto a pile on the floor. Valack recognizes Deaton by name and says he knows his specialty is not cats and dogs. Deaton says he's there because of what Valack knows about South American mythology, but Valack says he's there to learn about Kate Argent. "You want to know about La Loba. The Bone Woman." Deaton looks thrown for a moment. "I need to know what she did to Derek Hale. And if he's dying." "Why?" "Because of a promise I made. To a woman I loved."

Valack tells Deaton to come close, but Deaton replies that he's been advised against it. He's only there to talk, to hear what he knows. "You need to see what I know," Valack says. He removes a band of cloth from around his head revealing a hole. Deaton looks distressed and says that just because Valack trepanned himself doesn't mean he's given himself extra-sensory perception.

Deaton looks at the hole and is drawn to it. Valack urges him on, and Deaton seems to move against his will, staring at it. Inside Valack's head, a third eye opens.

Scott comes home from work to find his mom in the kitchen. As he's explaining to her that he got extra hours to earn more money he sees that she found the duffle bag of cash. "How much more did you need?" Melissa asks him. Scott explains that he found the money from the deadpool in Garrett's locker. Melissa asks if he's keeping Derek's money safe for him in a gym bag underneath his bed. Scott doesn't quite know how to reply, so she asks him how long he's had it. "Too long," Scott says. She tells him that he has to give it back, and he says that he was going to. "Do I wanna know why you haven't?" Melissa asks.

Scott looks at the money and says that it's because of her. She realizes that it's because they've been struggling. "Scott, you can save people's lives, but you cannot save them from life. Life is full of struggle." Scott shakes his head. "But it doesn't have to be." Scott picks up a stack of money and says that that one gets them a new roof. Another one pays for Stiles's MRI. A third pays for Eichen House. The fourth means she doesn't have to work double shifts and come home exhausted.

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