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A man in a lab coat walks through his laboratory, which is lined with mountain ash. As he sits and takes notes, someone behind him snarls. There's a Werewolf trapped on a medical bed, dying. Black ooze drips from his eyes. The scientist plays back a message on a tape deck from the Benefactor. As he drinks his tea, the tape explains to him how to enter his information into a website that will allow him to receive wire transfers.

The scene shifts to Scott and Stiles listening to the tape that was in Garrett's bag. It says that they will receive a new IP address to connect to after every wire transfer. The tape stresses that visual confirmation is always required for payment. Stiles has never made a wire transfer. Neither has Scott. And Scott doesn't understand why someone would pay so much money to have them killed. All Stiles can say is that someone clearly wants them dead very badly.

Scott takes the stacks of money and starts putting them back in the bag. Stiles asks him what he's doing, and Scott reminds him that they've got the PSATs in the morning. "No, I meant the money. $500,000. Do you know how much money that is?" "It's $500,000--" "It's half a million dollars, Scott. What are you going to do with it, just slide it under your mattress?" "I have to talk to Derek. The money's his," Scott points out. Stiles replies that the money is Derek and Peter's, and he thinks they should proceed with caution. " It's not that Stiles doesn't think they should tell Derek, just that telling Derek also means telling Peter, who is a homicidal killer. "So we should give Derek his money back, but not Peter?" Scott asks, trying to clarify. That isn't Stiles's point either. Before he can really nail down what he means, Malia runs up the stairs to Scott's room and Scott shoves the money bag under his bed.

Malia reports that she and Derek found Satomi's pack but they're all dead. She's wet. Apparently it started to rain. Stiles asks where Derek is.

Derek carries Braeden into the ER. "She's been shot! I think she's dying," he says to Melissa.

At the Animal Clinic, Deaton is standing out in the rain locking up when he hears someone come up from behind. He flicks out a baton and starts fighting with a hooded figure who uses an emei piercer. After a short spar, they both stop, and Deaton bows. "You could have called Satomi-san," he says. She shows him her red eyes.

The following morning, Stiles, Scott, Malia, and Kira are in line to take the PSATs. Kira asks where Lydia is, and Stiles explains that she took the PSATs freshman year. Malia asks if this means she can take the test some other time. Scott tries to reassure her because she studied harder than any of them. "That doesn't mean I'm going to do good," she says. "Well," Stiles corrects. "It's do well, not good." Malia takes this as further proof that she's going to fail. Scott says that she's doing this because while they're trying not to die they still need to live. Scott wants to go to a good college. Kira thinks they can all survive three hours.

As the students come in to get their tests, they mark their presence by leaving a fingerprint using an ink pad. Mrs. Martin collects all their cell phones. They all sit, and Stiles opens up his test and starts reading the first page. Simon, the proctor, asks them not to open their booklets until they are instructed to do so, and he quickly closes it. The proctor explains how long the test is and how many critical reading sections there are. There are supposed to be two teachers monitoring the exam, but only Mrs. Martin is present. Coach Finstock is also supposed to be there. Mrs. Martin goes to call him again but realizes his office is just down the hall so she checks in.

She finds him passed out on his desk. When she lifts up his head, she thinks he's passed out drunk. "Oh, Bobby. Fifteen years sober and you fall off the wagon at school?" Mrs. Martin, Natalie, tries to wake him up, but she can't. She says she'll bring him coffee during one of the breaks. She returns to the classroom and informs the proctor that Ken Yukimura is upstairs grading papers, so she'll get him instead. The proctor says that they have to start now, so they can ask Ken Yukimura during the first break.

Teen Wolf Season 4Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant