Smoke and Mirrors

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Kira wakes up in the dungeon on top of bones. The door to her cell is open, so she goes to investigate, calling Scott's name warily. She can't see and feels her way down the passage, not noticing a berserker hiding in an alcove. The berserker lifts his head and steps out to follow her. Kira sees what looks like a way out, but as soon as she starts to hurry toward it, she sees a berserker blocking her path. She turns to go back, but the other one is right there.

He grabs her as she screams and slams her against the wall. As they struggle, Kira sees the tattoos on the berserker's arm and realizes that it's Scott. He throws her to the ground but stops at the sound of Kate's growl. Kate saunters in and says that she'll have to do a better job of hiding Scott's tattoo.

Kira asks what she did to him, but Kate corrects her. "How. That's the better story." She explains that when she first escaped the Calaveras she had no idea where to go but she felt drawn to La Iglesia, to the temple of Tezcatlipoca. "His name means Smoking Mirror, and this a temple of the smoking mirror." She draws her fingers along a slash mark on the wall. "Obsidian." She says that when she got to the temple she found the berserkers waiting for her. "They helped me survive, and I didn't know quite why until just recently. Until I decided to trust someone I never thought I would trust."

The implication is that she trusted Peter, but this is not explicitly stated.

She found out that in addition to controlling berserkers, she could create them. "They call me La Loba, the bone woman." She explains to Kira that they let her out because she needed to test Scott's loyalty. Scott's been through a lot without having to kill, but Kate wants to change that. Scott then pulls an antler off of his outfit and stabs Kira in the stomach with it.

Sheriff Stilinski closes his office door and turns on Stiles. "You are not going to Mexico." "Dad, Scott and Kira have been kidnapped and taken to Mexico. I think that's a pretty good reason for a trip to Mexico." Instead the Sheriff thinks he should alert the proper authorities. "Dad, I can't just wait around for the wheel of bureaucracy to start spinning in five different offices. Someone needs to go down there right now, find them, and rescue them. I'm going."

The Sheriff tries to say that he can keep Stiles from going, but Stiles insists that even being locked in a cell will not hold him. The Sheriff asks Stiles to give him enough time to verify that they've really been taken beyond a vision by a guy with a third eye. He says he'll call every agency all the way to Mexico and if nothing turns up book two flights. "Okay. Okay, great. Do I get a gun?" The Sheriff squints at him. "No."

At the loft, Braeden is checking her gun while Derek looks at the table full of weaponry. "I still don't like relying on these things," Derek says. "I get it. You miss your power. I would, too." Derek looks a little confused. "It's not about power. It's about being able to help. I don't like feeling helpless." Braeden gives him a look and says that she's human. "Do I look helpless?" She slaps a clip into her pistol.

Derek humors her and says that she's a much better shot than he is. Something in his expression wipes the smile from her face and she asks him if he really thinks he won't be coming back. "Not... alive." Braeden puts down her gun. "You know I'm not okay with that." Derek looks at her and then moves in close to kiss her. He presses their foreheads together. "I am. If it saves Scott and Kira."

Derek ends the moment by turning to the table of weapons and saying that he's not sure they have enough firepower to take down even one berserker.

"Not even close," Peter says, and walks down the winding staircase. Apparently he was watching them make out or something. "Killing a berserker is next to impossible. Not just the firepower. It's breaking the animal spirit from the human." Derek says that the one person they know with the proper experience is Chris Argent and he isn't answering his phone.

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