The Benefactor

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A helicopter flies over the hospital the same night Sean was killed and Scott bit Liam. The Sheriff and his deputies photograph the crime scene. Sheriff Stilinski asks Parrish to get everyone off the roof and stall the ME for five minutes because he has an expert he wants to bring in. "You have an expert on teenage cannibals?" Parrish asks. The Sheriff doesn't really answer and just asks for five minutes. Parrish isn't happy about it, but he rounds everyone up.

As soon as everyone is off the roof, Derek appears behind the Sheriff looking at Sean's body. He's wearing a dad track jacket sort of thing instead of his usual leather. The Sheriff reels from his sudden appearance and tells Derek to be quick. He tells Derek that Scott said Sean was a wendigo. "Cannibalistic shape-shifters," Derek confirms. But he hasn't heard of any in Beacon Hills for a long time.
Derek picks up a scent on the air and turns around to investigate. He asks how many people Scott said were up there.

"Just Sean and the axe-murderer, who apparently had no mouth." Derek steps up to the ledge and spots blood. "There was someone else. Someone young. Male." The Sheriff asks if Derek can smell his fear, and Derek says that and his blood.
Scott and Stiles rush into Scott's house heading toward the bathroom. Stiles apparently talked to his father in Scott's place and didn't tell him about Liam. Stiles asks Scott what he did with him.

"He's upstairs." They head up, and Scott reveals that he's duct-taped Liam and put him in the bath tub. Stiles is appalled and pulls the shower curtain back closed while Liam whimpers. He and Scott sit down on Scott's bed. "So you bit him." "Yeah." "And you kidnapped him." "Yeah." "And then you brought him here." Scott admits that he panicked, and Stiles asks if they're going to end up burying pieces of his body out in the desert.

Liam hears this and whimpers more loudly. Stiles takes the opportunity to remind Scott that this is why he comes up with the plans, because Scott's plans suck. Scott admits that he's right and asks Stiles what they should do. They take Liam out of the bath tub and set him up on a chair, still bound with duct tape. Stiles tells him that if he screams when he takes the tapes off it's going right back on. Stiles prompts Scott to take the tape off Liam's mouth, but Scott doesn't move, so Stiles does it.

Stiles starts to explain that Liam's seen a lot of confusing things tonight and more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things he's seen. Liam doesn't understand, so Stiles prompts Scott to tell him. "Liam, what happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it's gonna change you." Stiles adds, "Unless it kills you," and then immediately regrets it.

Liam starts to cry, and they both crouch down and try to make him stop. Scott tells him he's not going to die. Stiles is less firm on that point.

Scott decides to untie him. Liam gets up and shuffles around while they apologize long enough to grab hold of the chair he was sitting on. He hits Scott with it, breaking it, and when Stiles starts to ask him what the hell his problem is, he punches Stiles in the face and runs. As he's running, he realizes that his ankle is healed. Scott and Stiles fly out into the hallway and barrel after him. There's a lot of screaming, and they tackle him down the stairs. Scott and Stiles wrestle trying to grab him, but Stiles only ends up grabbing Scott's leg while Liam escapes out the front door. "Your plan sucked, too," Scott says.

In the loft, Peter turns off Derek's alarm system and calls out asking if he's there. He looks through some papers, and a tomahawk suddenly flies through the air and embeds into his chest, through the page he was reading. Peter drops to the floor, and the Mute steps out of the shadows. As he's gasping for breath, Peter again calls Derek's name. The Mute responds, "Don't worry, Peter. Derek is next."

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