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In a flashback, it's a full moon and the Beacon Hills basketball team is heading out to play. Derek is lagging behind, still in the locker room. Peter goes in and finds him partially shifted and running cold water over himself to calm down. Peter shuts off the water and yanks Derek up from the floor. Derek tells him that he thought he could control the shift. Peter scoffs at the risk he's taking just for a basketball game. "It's the finals. They need me." "To do what? Rip someone's throat out on the court?" Derek stumbles around in pain. Peter says that even born wolves have to learn to control themselves on a full moon. Derek replies that he thought it was supposed to be easier for them and asks why it hurts so much.

Peter demands to know if Derek brought "it." Derek tells him it isn't working, but Peter insists, and Derek pulls out a triskelion medallion. He starts to chant "alpha, beta, omega" trying to focus. He throws his arms wide and yells toward the sky.

In present time, a gas station attendant, Briggs, sees a car seemingly abandoned by the pumps. He hears some screaming and growling from the bathroom and goes to investigate. Kate is inside trying to control her shifting. The attendant keeps banging on the door and ordering her to open it. He eventually opens the door himself, and Kate turns, shifted. She attacks the guy and eviscerates him.

Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, and Kira drove all night from Mexico to bring Young Derek directly to Deaton at the Animal Clinic. Scott carries him inside, and they lay him out on an exam table. "Wow," Deaton says. "Wow. Wow as in 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do,' kind of wow? Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for," Stiles says. Deaton has no idea what to do. Lydia takes Young Derek's hand and notes that he's really cold. Deaton starts trying to check his vitals. Scott asks if this is permanent, and Deaton replies that he's not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate.

Stiles asks what they should do, and Deaton suggests they leave Derek with him, since there won't be much to do until he wakes up. The mountain ash of the clinic can keep Kate out. Lydia asks why Kate would want to make Derek young again. Deaton can only say that whatever the reason, it must only benefit Kate and be bad for the rest of them. He suggests that they all go home and get some sleep, because it's a school night. "You all need to start taking care of your own lives again." Scott thinks someone should stay. Young Derek squeezes Lydia's hand, and she volunteers. Her grades are good, so she can miss a class or two.

Stiles exclaims that he is so not okay with this plan. Lydia insists they leave. Scott tells her to text them if anything happens, and Stiles says, "No, still not okay with it. Not going anywhere." Scott drags Stiles out of the office.

Scott returns home to find the roof leaking. There's a pot on the floor catching the drops. He tries to sneak around but sees his dad asleep on the couch and gets distracted. He kicks a toolbox, making a racket, and wakes his father up. He asks what's up with the tools, and Rafael tells him that he's been fixing things up around the house. Rafael asks him what time it is, and Scott lies and says midnight. It is 4am.

Rafael and Scott have established a new routine. When Melissa has a night shift, they are supposed to have dinner together. Scott missed a dinner by going to rescue Derek. Scott explains that when they got back from their camping trip he went straight to the animal clinic to finish up work.

The next morning, Lydia wakes up in the Animal Clinic to find Deaton taking Derek's pulse. He reports that it's alarmingly high. Derek isn't as cold as he was. Deaton asks Lydia to keep holding Derek's hand while he cuts into his skin. The wound healed as quickly as he made the cut, which is much faster than usual. He wants to try something else, but while they're getting the syringe, Derek wakes up. His vision is confused and senses muffled. All he can see are their vague outlines and their eyes. Lydia and Deaton keep saying his name, but Derek doesn't recognize them. Frightened, Derek claws Deaton and runs away.

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