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Someone splashes gasoline over the outside of a sheriff's department cruiser. Deputy Parrish wakes up and finds himself tied to the steering wheel while Deputy Haigh continues to douse the vehicle. Haigh tells him that he's a good guy but he's worth $5 million. Parrish pretends that he doesn't know what he's talking about and claims that he only makes $40k a year. Haigh only makes $36k and throws gas on Parrish directly.

Parrish starts to ask if Haigh has money problems. "You're worth 5 million dead, Parrish. Sounds like you've got the problem." Parrish begs Haigh to stop. "Please, you're just going to stand there? You're just going to listen to a fellow deputy burn to death?" Haigh puts in headphones, and Parrish struggles harder to get free. Haigh lights a lighter and tosses it in Parrish's lap.

Parrish screams as the car is quickly engulfed.

At the sheriff station, Stiles and Lydia go into Sheriff Stilinski's office. They explain that it's not just that Lorraine Martin could still be alive but that she would have had to fake her death. The Sheriff asks what story they have to back up this claim. "She might be helping the Benefactor," Lydia says. Stiles offers that she might be the Benefactor. The Sheriff closes the door to his office so they can continue telling their story.

Haigh is out in the bull pen contacting the Benefactor about his payment. The Sheriff leans out his door and asks if anyone's seen Parrish. Haigh claims he hasn't seen him.

Parrish then comes walking into the station, naked except for the soot covering his body. Some of his skin looks ravaged or maybe covered in the remnants of burnt clothes, but he's very much alive. Haigh sees him and starts to draw his gun, but Parrish attacks. Haigh shoots a couple of wild shots inside the station and is stunned that Parrish is alive.

The Sheriff comes out with his gun drawn. Parrish punches Haigh, which causes him to shoot the Sheriff in the shoulder. He keeps punching him until Haigh is knocked out. On Haigh's computer the Benefactor writes: Kill Not Confirmed.

Later, Parrish, Scott, and Lydia go to Derek's loft. Derek examines Parrish's hands and asks if Haigh covered him in gasoline. Lydia points out that Parrish's hair and nails should be gone because those parts are essentially dead. On a Werewolf, they wouldn't have grown back so quickly. "I was set on fire. All of me should be gone," Parrish says. "Not if you're like us," Scott points out. Parrish doesn't know what he means, and Derek doesn't think he's like them. In fact, he doesn't know what Parrish could be. "But you knew about Jackson and Kira," Scott says. "This is a little out of my experience," Derek replies. He suggests they look in the bestiary and asks if they've contacted Chris. Scott would have but he can't find him.

Parrish tells them to stop and asks what a bestiary is. "Actually, that's not even my first question. Just, just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?" Derek is amused, and Scott tells Parrish that's not exactly it. "Okay, then what are you?" Parrish asks. Scott and Derek exchange a look, and Scott has to give the werewolf demonstration.

Sheriff Stillinski and Stiles are at the hospital, where the Sheriff is filling out paperwork before his surgery. The doctor explains that they have him scheduled for surgery first thing in the morning. The Sheriff asks about the parts of the hospital stay not covered by insurance. He asks if those are expensive parts, but the doc says that's between him and his insurance company. As he leaves, the doctor tells him that he'll start feeling the morphine in a minute.

Stiles gnaws on his thumbnail, and his dad yells at him for it. He tries to assure Stiles that they're not in dire straits. Stiles replies that he knows about the bills. "I know about the collectors calling about Eichen House. I know about the advance from the department. About the credit cards." The Sheriff asks Stiles if he's going through his stuff, and Stiles readily admits that he is. "Especially when you keep things from me." "I keep things from you because you don't need to know everything." "Yes I do. I have to know everything. How the hell else am I supposed to take care of you?" "You're not supposed to take care of me! I'm the dad. You're the son. You get it? Dad. Son. I take care of you!" Upset, Stiles takes a seat and looks at his father. "We're supposed to take care of each other."

Teen Wolf Season 4Where stories live. Discover now