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Satomi's pack are running from the assassins who are shooting at them with arrows. Kira arrives and helps Satomi's pack escape by blocking the arrows and taking them all somewhere else where she thinks is safe, so she can meet up with Scott to come up with a better plan.

As Scott is getting ready to go out the door to meet with Kira, he throws a helmet to Liam, telling him briefly what's happening. Liam remains where he's standing and questions Scott about the assassins whether they're different than the ones who tried to light them on fire. Scott sees that Liam is uncomfortable with coming to help, so he offers to drive him home instead. Liam declares that he isn't like Scott, or the rest of his pack, "I don't mean I'm not strong, or I'll never learn to be in control. I mean everything else, you and your friends try and protect everyone. Have you been doing this the whole time? I mean, how are you all still alive?" he says. Scott replies, "Not all of us are," and pushes the offer to take him home.

Meanwhile, Stiles is in the hospital with a concussion from when Brunski punched him for trying to help Lydia block out the sounds of the tape while they were trapped in Eichen House. He tries to leave, insisting that he is fine, but Melissa makes him stay until he gets a CT scan, "Even if I let you go, what would you do?" Giving in, Stiles drops himself back down on the bed and requests that Melissa gets him a tape player. When Melissa leaves the room, he takes out a tape from his pocket labeled Lorraine Martin.

Back at the sheriff station, Sheriff Stilinski exits his office and right away Lydia asks "What did she say?" The sheriff replies, "Hard to tell, there were words, but I'm not sure if they were actual sentences." Lydia takes that to mean nothing. The sheriff suggest that they need a psychologist, or a medium, and picks up the phone.

Lydia questions whether Meredith is competent enough to even be charged with something, and the sheriff answers, "If Meredith is the Benefactor then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the Hale vault, competent enough to trick Brunski into helping her, competent enough to create a hitlist and payout money for its completion. This girl is practically a criminal mastermind." Lydia and the sheriff decide that they don't only need to stop the dead pool, and that they also need to stop the money.

Scott and Kira find each other in what looks to be an office. They make out for a moment before Scott breaks the kiss to ask about Kira's mother. Kira tells him that she is okay, and healing. When Scott asks if Kira is okay, she replies with, "Right now, very." They kiss once more before Scott asks if they found a member of Satomi's pack, and Kira tells him that she found all of them and then shows him. Satomi says that she knows who Scott McCall is. One of the girls asks if they are safe there, and Scott looks around the room and examines how many there are. "We're going to need help, a lot of help," he says.

Chris Argent throws a man down through a door in what looks like a warehouse as he walks in holding a gun, ready to fire it. A man comes up behind him, and Argent knocks him out with his elbow. He walks through the aisles of plants and comes to a yellow wolfsbane plant.

Back at the sheriff station, Sheriff Stilinski is still trying to get something out of Meredith. "I thought I told you to go home," the sheriff says to Lydia. She replies, "And I thought I told you, I wasn't going anywhere. Did they get anything out of her?" "Should have gone with the medium," Stilinski says. Deputy Parrish reports to Stilinski about checking everything in Brunski's office and informs him that they found nothing. He also asks Lydia about not going home yet. Lydia tries to convince the sheriff to let her speak to Meredith.

Stiles, still in the hospital, is waiting to get his CT scan. Melissa knocks on the door, and Stiles expects to get the tape player he asked for earlier, but instead Malia walks in, and Melissa shuts the door and leaves the two alone with some privacy. Malia tells Stiles that she heard that he almost got killed, and Stiles say the same to her. She asks if he is okay, and Stiles says that Brunski punched him in the face, and that he's the serial killer. "What about you?" he asks Malia. She informs him that they were almost set on fire, but that everyone is basically okay.

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