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Sean hugs himself against the chill of the outdoors as he comes outside and calls for Willow, his cat. She doesn't come, so he heads back inside. He calls upstairs to his mother that he can't find the cat and goes about turning off all the lights. He looks around as though he feels like something is off, mostly because his mother hasn't answered his calls. He announces that he's going to bed and heads upstairs.

The house creaks, but Seandoesn't see anything amiss. When he gets into bed, he looks down and sees bloody pawprints on the carpet. He leans over the side of the bed and spots Willow hiding. After grabbing his desk lamp to shine some light, he hops onto the floor and sees that Willow is soaked in blood. Startled, he jumps up and hears the screams of his family being massacred. 

Eventually, he builds up the nerve to open his door and looks into the dark house. A figure walks into the moonlight carrying a tomahawk that drips blood. Sean slams his door shut and hides in his bathroom. The Mute breaks through his bedroom door easily and stands outside the bathroom door to taunt him. "Hello, Sean. I just killed your family. Do you want to die like them? Begging for your life or do you want to fight?" The Mute speaks by typing into a keyboard on his arm, generating a mechanical voice. He advises Sean to wrap his hand in a towel and break a mirror, so he has a piece of glass to fight with.

Sean grabs a towel and wraps his hand, but he breaks open window instead. The Mute rushes into the room to see Sean running down the street. 

In Derek's loft, Braeden puts her feet up on the coffee table, much to Peter's annoyance. "The table's Italian," he says. "So are these boots," she replies, making Derek smile a little. She asks if they're going to talk interior design and fashion or numbers. She watches as Derek looks at his own reflection in his sunglasses, clearly thinking about the new color of his eyes.

Peter writes a number on a slip of paper and slides it over to her. She crosses it out, writes a new offer, and slides it back. Peter takes one glance at it. "We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the president." She replies that the Calaveras already hired her to find Kate. Going against them is what's going to cost them.  Peter tries to make another offer, but she pushes it right back at him, and he gets up in disgust.

Derek picks up the slip of paper and tears it up. "We'll pay. Just find Kate. That's all we want." 

Braeden must agree, because next we see Peter is throwing the loft door closed in disgust. "Are you insane?"

Derek replies that they didn't have a choice. They've been looking for her for a week and have nothing. Peter replies, "If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault, we don't get those bonds back. What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job?" Peter points out that his resume is slightly out of date. "We got robbed, Derek. Robbed!" 

Peter grabs Derek to spin him around, and Derek grabs his wrist and roars in his face, showing his yellow eyes. Peter has clearly not seen them in this last week. "Oh, that's a new look for you. What happened to your eyes?" Still angry, Derek says, "I don't know. But I'm willing to pay to find out."

Meanwhile at the school, Scott and Stiles head out to the lacrosse field. Stiles assures Scott that he's still the team captain because he got his grades up like Coach wanted. Scott agrees, but Coach didn't tell him he was back on the team, just that he had to show up at tryouts. Stiles says they have bigger things to worry about. "Did you tell Argent yet?" "I texted him, but he didn't get back to me." "You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?" Stiles is slightly appalled. Scott claims he didn't have the money to call France.

Stiles commiserates, because they are trying to pay for the MRI and the visit to Eichen House. Apparently the Sheriff doesn't have insurance for medical bills. "What the hell are we even doing here, anyway. We've got like 117 million problems, and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them," Stiles says, more concerned about the Hales' robbery than anything else.

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