Chapter 13: Backlash

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     Ashley's P.O.V.

   Tonight was the night. The night I take on Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship here at Backlash.

    I was with the guys in The Shield's locker room. I wrapped my hands as my leg bounced up and down. "Ashley." Seth told me. I looked up as I finished wrapping my hands. "You okay? You don't seem like yourself right now." he explained. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair.

   "I'll admit. I'm a little nervous. I'm excited, I'll admit it, but I don't know." I said. "Babygirl, come on." Roman said as he held his hands out. I took them as he helped me up. "You go out there and take what's yours. Remember who you are. You're the heart of The Shield. The Queen of Justice. You're a Hound of Justice. You will win. You can believe that." he told me.

   I smiled and nodded as we all group hugged. We all put our fists in. It was then there was a knock on the door. Seth went over and answered it. "Ashley Rollins, you're up." the tech guy informed me before walking off. I took a deep breath as I sent a thumbs up to the guys. "Good luck." they all said in unison.

   I exited the room and went to the curtain. I saw Nikki already there with her Divas title on her shoulder. "Hey." I greeted her. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey, girlie. You ready?" she asked as we hugged. "Yeah. I'm excited. But, I'm nervous too." I explained. She patted my shoulder. "You'll do great. I'm glad you're getting a title shot. You deserve it." she told me. "Thanks, Nikki." I told her as my music played.

   Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D.

    I walked out to screaming fans as I stopped at the top of the ramp. "The following contest is a Divas match scheduled for one-fall and it is for the Divas Championship! Introducing first, the challenger! From Davenport, Iowa, representing The Shield, Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced. I walked down the ramp and slapped some fans' hands and hugged some of the little kids. I got on the apron and raised my arm, making the crowd go insane.

   "Ashley Rollins has for sure made an incredible impact here in the WWE. Every singe fan in attendence is here for her. She has truly proved she is more than just the little sister of Seth Rollins. She's proven she's her own person by making her own path." Michael explained.

  "I couldn't agree more. This young lady has proven she's got so much guts and isn't afraid of any challenge." JBL added.

  "I am rooting for this girl. She deserves the title." Jerry explained.

    I slid inside the ring and smiled at the fans. I leaned against the ropes as I waited for Nikki to come out.  

    You can look, but you can't touch
You keep dreaming on the stars above

   The crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and boos as she came out. She did her entrance before holding up her title. "And her opponent! From Scottsdale, Arizona, she is the Divas Champion, Nikki Bella!" Lilian announced. Nikki walked down the ramp with a smirk on her face. She got on the apron and tossed her cap before doing her flip over the rope.

    She gave the title to the referee, who raised it over his head. He handed it to Lilian before Nikki and I eyed each other. The bell rang and we circled each other. We locked up and she sent me to the ropes. She went to Clothesline me, but I dodged it and hit her with a roundhouse kick. I ran and hit her with a Slingblade.

   As she was down, I went for a pin. "One! Two!" She kicked out. I got up and grabbed her, sending her to the turnbuckle. I ran and was about to hit  forearm, but she dodged me. I turned, but was met with a punch to the face. I held my nose and she hit me with the Bella Buster. She went for a pin. "One! Two!" I kicked out.

   She groaned in frustration before making me look at her. She began slapping me. "I'm the champion! You will not win this!" she yelled. I growled and wrapped my hand around her throat. She looked at me in fear as I stood up. "Shut the hell up!" I yelled before I placed her on my shoulders. I hit her with a Buckle Bomb.

   I grabbed her and tossed her across the ring. I tackled her and landed punches over and over. She managed to get on a knee, but I ran and hit her with a brutal kick. I climbed the ropes, setting myself on the top turnbuckle. I let out a battle cry before Nikki stood up. I hit her with a Blockbuster.

   "Nikki Bella is in deep, deep trouble!"

    I went for a quick pin. "One! Two!" She kicked out. "Stay the hell down!" I yelled.

   "Wait a minute! What are they doing here?!" Jerry asked.

   I heard Eva's theme, "Time To Rise" play. I looked up and saw her, Alicia, Cameron, and Brie running down the ramp. However, I smirked as I saw Paige, Naomi, Natalya, and AJ chase after them and take them down.

   "And Ashley Rollins' friends evening the odds!" Michael said.

   I felt myself get rolled up. "One! Two!" I kicked out. Nikki kicked me and set me on her shoulders. She hit me with the Rack-Attack. She went for a pin to end this. "One! Two! Th-" I kicked out at last second. Nikki held her head in shock.

   "Ashley kicked out! She's still in this!" Michael said. "How the hell did Ashley kick out of the Rack-Attack?! That should've been the end!" JBL said.

   Nikki slapped the mat. "You kidding me?! One, two, three, ref!" she argued with the referee. As she did, I managed to buy myself time to recover. Once I was well, I ran and rolled her up from behind. "One! Two!" Nikki kicked out. I ran and ducked from a Clothesline.

   "Come on, Ashley!" I heard Natalya encourage me.

   I hit her with a roundhouse kick. I grabbed her and let out a battle cry before hitting her with the Dirty Deeds. However, I wasn't done. I waited until she got up a little. I ran and hit the Blackout. I then pinned her. "One! Two! Three!"

  The bell rang and I let her go, The Shield's theme playing. The crowd was going absolutely wild.

   "Here is your winner and the new WWE Divas Champion, Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced.

   I held my head as I felt happy tears forming in my eyes as I was handed my new title. I took it before I got up and got my arm raised. I looked and saw AJ, Paige, Natalya, and Naomi slide in the ring. They all engulfed me in hugs. AJ and Natalya raised my arms as the others clapped. It was then they all stepped back and the cheering got louder.

   I turned and saw The Shield running down the ramp. I smiled as happy tears fell from my face. They all slid in and group hugged me. Roman picked me up and spun me around, Seth doing the same. I laid eyes on Dean before jumping on him and kissing him. He kissed back, grabbing a fistful of my hair, me doing the same with his.

   The crowd screamed and cheered as we basically made out in the middle of the ring.

   We pulled away and he raised my arm. My friends and boys all got out of the ring before we walked up the ramp. We saw the Bellas, Alicia, Eva, and Alicia glaring at us. Nikki was throwing a mild tantrum.

   Dean kissed my head making me smile as we wrapped our arms around each other. I jumped on his back and he carried me piggyback all the way to the back.

  I was congratulated by everybody backstage. After that, the guys and I packed our stuff and went back to the hotel. We checked ourselves in and settled down. However, Dean and I celebrated my victory with some.....private stuff.


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