4. Arrivals

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Being the queen of Ehvera was no simple job. Perhaps if she had been born on domestic soil, life would be easier. Yet, for Rime Eh'Korutsu, life followed a challenging path. It was no secret that Ehverians trusted no one but themselves. Despite Rime living in the castle for almost a decade now, the Ehverian population merely tolerated her presence. Growing up behind the Fuhranii mountains, in the Tsunizar Empire, provided her with a unique outlook on life.

This, she believed, gave her more insight to how the Fumarian visitation would proceed. Their travels through farther cities would have no shortage of hostile stares and crude gestures. Part of her, one she refused to share with Bohjin, worried the Fumarians would turn back after breaching the thick of Ehverian culture. Yet, his ignorant optimism made it hard to confess these worries.

Despite her cool efforts to remain composed, the relief that flowed through her at the notice of Fumari's arrival made way for temporary relaxation. Perhaps their guests persevered through unwelcome cities undeterred. Yet, the quality of their ride felt more along the lines of a warm-up to Ehvera's texture. This next week would not be easy.

Rime was ready to pull through it.

It took her a quick hour to dress in finer Ehverian clothing. Her tastes coincided with Bohjin's: dark shades of violet and navy blue. On another day, she would forgo the longer outer layers in favor of lighter shawls, but this was a special day. Just this once, her gown would flow with the cold colors of the Kingdom of Ehvera.

Standing in the entrance hall, Rime was shoulder to shoulder with her husband. His few inches on her did nothing to make him any more imposing than her. They both knew how to create whatever atmosphere they saw fit, no matter how off-putting they initially appeared.

It was clear, as the Fumarian guests settled in the hall, that their sturdy stance proved necessary as one glaring issue became apparent. Instead of King Azak, like Bohjin had intended, two lords walked through the entryway. Men had already seen to their horses and carriage, so the group on foot before the royal pair were accompanied by more servants, carrying along the luggage brought with them.

A quick glance to her right told Rime exactly how to go about this meeting. Bohjin's frown was contained, but the tension in his broad frame spoke of such disappointment that Rime prepared to play damage control on whatever slipped past his lips. No one could call her a bad host.

"Welcome to Ehvera," she said, keeping a light and pleasant tone to her voice. She clasped her hands in front of her, keeping her smile simple. Appearing docile tended to make conversations with strangers easier.

Bohjin interrupted her attempt to breach the subject peacefully. "We sent for King Azak. Please, what happened to His Majesty?" Rime heard the anger stirring within him, though she internally thanked him for keeping his voice level and calm.

The tallest of the two lords bowed his head, maintaining a sheepish smile. "My apologies, Your Majesty. My uncle feels too ill to travel, but he sends his gratitude for the offer. In his stead, please accept my brother and me." He raised his head. "My name is Lord Yzuan Muhnad, son of Duke Ahfras of Ahlnar."

Which made the other man Lord Yras Muhnad, Rime remembered. Her last and only meeting with the brothers went well enough, so this surprise may still suffice.

Keeping her composure, she held her smile with genuine acceptance. "We are so sorry to hear that. However, I am glad you could come regardless."

This time, it was Yras who spoke. "We are both grateful to be here."

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