25. Debrief

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Upon reentering his father's study, the current tension struck Yras.

Yzuan, now seated across from their father, was frowning. His gaze never left their father, who stared back with just as much defiance. Upon Yras's entry, his father only spared him a quick glance before returning to Yzuan, presumably continuing a discussion interrupted by the door opening.

"Azak is very clear on our next move. There is no more room for discussion about this."

"Father, we both know he isn't in his right mind." Despite the pleading nature of Yzuan's words, his tone told the story of an exhausted man who lost all ability to argue.

"He is still King. If he wants to run this kingdom to the ground—well, no, I'd slap him upside the head. But it doesn't look like that'll be happening anytime soon."

"Pardon me," Yras said, taking the remaining seat with careful movements. "What did I miss?"

Yzuan huffed, crossing his arms with anger. "Uncle thinks it best that we begin an invasion."

Eyes wide, Yras looked between his family members. "An invasion? What happened?"


"And that is the point," their father cut in. "Sarbil has made their intentions towards its neighbors clear. Azak wants to get the jump on them before they turn to us."

Yras shook his head. "That is ridiculous." Yet, he knew saying so would accomplish nothing. He had been there at the last meeting before leaving for Ehvera. He had heard and protested the King's concerns and military increase.

However, back then, Yzuan had been in full support of their uncle's decisions. Turning to him now, Yras furrowed his brows. "What has you all up in arms about this?"

"Strengthening our border in preparation for an aggressive nation's attack is one thing." Yzuan looked at his younger brother. "Becoming the attacker ourselves is another."

Yras mulled over the words he had heard upon entry. He faced his father. "And you disagree? With Yzuan and I."

"Not particularly, but there is little point to convincing Azak otherwise. From a strategic perspective, he is not wrong. It is most likely inevitable that Sarbil will invade, eventually. And they are currently preoccupied with controlling the States, which haven't quite gotten the message yet that their governmental system is taken over."

Yras did not doubt it. The States of Haizen did not take kindly to outside influence. They were proud, which led to infighting more than outright invasion of Tsunizar and Sarbil. Yet, when provoked as a whole, they had the strongest sense of community in history.

"How is it a strategic move if we're jumping the gun?" Yzuan asked. "What if we're not ready?"

Their father waved his hand as he rolled his eyes.

"What has Aunt Allyanna said about this?" Yras asked, thinking towards the future damage control he would likely have to do involving his family. Allyanna was Azak's youngest sibling and current duchess of the city of Bahadsad.

"Nothing, though she likely hasn't heard the news yet. You know she'll be in favor, though."

Yes, Yras did know that. She had strong opinions on their militaristic approach to solving potential issues. When in doubt, destroy the enemy before the opposite can occur. That approach did not leave much room for negotiations.

"How long do we have?" The grim tone Yzuan bore drove the situation home for Yras. Here they were, with Ehverian royalty housed in their manor, preparing for a war on the eastern front. Should Sarbil retaliate with full intention of displaying their tactical might, Yras felt his family would regret making the first move.

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