14. Betrayal

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This was not how Ollyah envisioned her betrayal would occur.

For years, she waited, expected it. Her suspicions surrounded her guards, Jove and Don. They would hurt her, ambush her, for reasons she would never know. Betrayal only comes to light after the event takes place, after all.

This, however, had nothing to do with her or her guards.

The panic that swept the kingdom shocked her. Knocked down from the wind, a moment passed before she registered what happened.

They were under attack.

This, of all days, was never meant for tragedy. A time of cheer, of celebration, of magic—it never should have fallen to foreign powers. Yet, this appeared to be the perfect day for destruction. Ehvera's ego, its soul, shriveled at the hands of unknown adversaries.

Ollyah was too young to remember much of Eske's kidnapping and their father's death. She recalled the confusion at being told she would never see her father again. She recalled the mystery of Eske's absence. Nonetheless, the truth of the matter never hit her all at once, but over time in retrospect.

Ollyah did remember the events leading to her mother's murder. At the age of eleven, Ollyah felt the full impact the sight of her beloved mother's body left her with. The blood, the tears, the aggravating questioning of why. Her father when she was six. Her mother five years later. For Ollyah, it seemed betrayal must be inevitable. There was no starting point in her life when acts of treason became the norm. Over the entirety of her 21 years alive, there always was a plan in motion to hurt someone. To kill and defile someone.

In all honesty, she should have expected tonight to arrive. After all, it was past due.

When the chaos began, Ollyah found it hard to struggle. Even with Eske's boost in energy, she had exerted herself for the festival. The least she could manage was standing up. That became a challenge as the wind magic knocked her down once again. The hard ground felt more comfortable than risking another fall, but she pulled herself back to her feet.

That was when the first red blast dispersed.

Ollyah felt it. Her surprise melted away as anger took its place. At first, she had not a clue as to why she was angry, or at what she targeted that feeling.

However, once she caught sight of Don, it was as though her emotions latched on to him. Her thoughts spiraled out of control. Why didn't he protect me? Am I right to suspect him? Why won't he just get it over with? A part of her knew these allegations held no truth, but that fell to the back as unriddled rage overpowered all other thought.

Before she realized her own actions, Ollyah slapped Don across his face. "What are you waiting for?" Her voice raised in pitch, not just so that he could hear her over the trampling crowds.

Instead of facing retaliation from Don, Ollyah found herself held back by her other guard. Jove had his arms around her torso, restraining her to his broad chest. That enraged her further. She kicked and screamed, eyes wild with bottled up hatred.

"I knew it!" She proclaimed, still thrashing in Jove's grasp. "You were always going to hurt me. Always. Finally showing your true colors!"

This time, Don reacted. Hatred burned in his eyes as he stood mere inches from her. "Why can't you ever just behave? Do you even know how hard it is to keep track of a delusional brat like you? Have you become so self-absorbed to think everyone is really out to get you?"

How dare he? Ollyah had the right to feel frightened at the prospect of betrayal. What did Don know of cowering from shadows? How could he ever understand the pure terror associated with waiting for the moment she knew was coming, to just happen already?

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