Chapter 28

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I watch in horror as Jeff raises his knife above my head. Staring in his deadly eyes as they're locked on me, full of rage, anger, aggression and even a hint of sadness or maybe remorse? It was as if he didn't even know me. There was only one thing I could do. I had to use my powers on him. Looking deep into his eyes, I try to force him to drop the knife, but nothing happens. I tried to cause him pain or back him away. But my powers wouldn't work. What was happening?! First they don't recognise me and now my powers don't work?! Shifting my eyes around quickly, I catch a glimpse of a mirror hanging on the wall. I could just about see myself. I was no longer, myself. I looked completely different. Everything about me had changed. Hair colour and length, eye colour, height, skin tone. I was a completely different person. Which would explain why my powers wouldn't work and why they don't recognise me.
I couldn't stop tears from streaming down my face but I suddenly scream as I feel a sharp pain. Shakily I look down to see Jeff had plunged his knife right through my chest, tearing my skin as he twists the blade. Blood pouring down as he yanked the blade out, blood squirting. The pain was agonising. I had been numb to pain for so long, this was something new and I hated it. Dropping to the floor, I instantly started wheezing out of breath. Jeff had punctured one of my lungs when he stabbed me.
I cry weakly as I wince, clutching and pushing on the wound on my chest as the blood soaked my hand. Toby steps away, causing me to slam down onto my back. Gasping as the pain becomes worse as I lose more blood.

Jeff .T.K POV
Sadie, CW, Toby and I all watch as the intruder slowly dies on the floor. Gasping for air as the life drains for her eyes.
Suddenly the door opens behind followed by laughter.
"Well well. Seems our plan worked a treat!"
I recognised the voice. Turning around I see Candypop, BEN, Masky and Puppeteer, all of them seeming pleased with themselves.
"What are you talking about Candy?"
His smile turns evil and proud as he bounces his head in the intruders direction.
"Looks like you killed the maid after all."
He and the others laugh. What the hell was he talking about.
"The maid is dead in the bathroom."
"What? You mean, this maid? EJ!"
Candy suddenly calls EJ to which he walks out and stands next to the others, holding a body identical to the intruders.
Turning around, the body laying unconscious and surrounded by blood was [Name].
Rushing over to her. I gently lift her in my arms, carrying her bridal style as I hold her close.
"What the fuck have you done candy!"
"Me? I'm not the one who stabbed her Jeff. You did."
He laughs, turning and walking away. His bells jingling with his swift movements. The others following him. It seemed that EJ would be no use in helping her, so I needed to get her to Slender and fast.
How did Candy even do it? After [Name] left to go see Slender and took a while to return, I went to look for her and I found her body on the bathroom floor with her throat slit. And the person standing in my room definitely was not [Name]. So how did he manage to switch around their appearances? Surely it's not possible. I've never even seen Slender do something such as that.

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