Chapter 54

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It was proving difficult to leave the hospital. Seemed that someone found the dead nurse in one of the rooms and called the police. The entire building was full of them. I wanted to go to Sakura's room before we left, but judging by how many police officers there were. I don't think that would be a wise idea. We needed to leave and fast.
"Ugh what are we gonna do! We stand out like a sore thumb!"
Jeff groans as we hide away in a small closet full of mops, buckets and other cleaning products.
Signing, I take a glance at Jeff, but instantly realise he couldn't be more wrong. Jeff was still wearing the guards outfit from before and I still wore the hospital gown.
"Jeff! We're in the perfect disguise-"
"Have you forgotten you're soaked in blood that isn't yours!"
He interrupts agitatedly. Although he was snappy, he did have a point..
"Besides, even if we could get you another gown, I don't have the hat to hide my face!"
He growls, waving his hand in front of him.
"Okay.. well where are our-"
I stop myself, as my eyes slam open and my jaw drops. Jeff gives a confused look but I ignore that and spin around, opening the door and peeking out.
"Sir, I found these in the room with the body-"
Pulling myself back in, I quickly shut the door, banging my hand against my head angrily.
"Fuck fuck fuck! I left my clothes in the room with the nurse-"
"So? We can go get them."
I groan with annoyance, grinding my teeth, trying to prevent myself from ripping out my own hair from stress and irritation.
"The police just found my clothes Jeff!"
I sigh, leaning my back against the door and slowly slumping down to the floor.
"Ugh there must be something..."
Jeff looks around the room, searching the top shelves and even behind some of them. I watch him out of interest but I knew he wasn't going to find anything.
However, he suddenly pauses, turning his head in my direction, showing a cheeky mischievous grin.

Receptionist POV
"Uh.. yes Sir I can try to remember. Umm.. A girl burst through the door covered in blood. The nurse took her to a recovery room. But I haven't seen either of them yet.."
I inform one of the police men as he stands tall in front of me with a straight and professional manner.
"Thank you ma'am. Do you recognise these clothes?"
He asks, signalling to another officer, by which he approaches holding some blood covered clothes in evidence bags.
" I.. Yes, yes I do! These were the clothes the injured girl wore!"
The policemen nod to each other and one takes notes in his pocketbook.
"Fresh blood was found on these clothing items. We're assuming it's the nurses blood but we cannot be sure until we do some tests. If you saw this girl again, would you be able to identify her face?"
I felt so bombarded with questions it was making my head grow fuzzy. But I tried my best to remember what the girl looked like.
"It was hard to tell.. she had so much blood on her face.. I couldn't see any strong features.."
"Is there anything at all you noticed? Did she have any scars or piercings? Tattoos maybe?"
I understand he was just trying to do his job, but I was starting to become frustrated by his constant pushing, trying to get more answers when I've already told him I don't know.
I suddenly stop when I hear wheels of mop buckets being pushed along the hallway. Two cleaners wearing dark grey overalls, black boots and a matching grey cap walk out pushing a mop bucket full of water, heading towards the door.
"Hey, Wait a second."
The officer interrogating me calls to them, to which they stop but keep their heads facing forward.
"Did you two see anything?"
He asks as he slowly makes his way over to them.
"I saw nothing, I've only just arrived."
One of them spoke. Clearly Male. His voice was deep and raspy. In a way, it sounded quite attractive. I wish I could have seen his face. But the moment he stops talking, he wheels the bucket towards the doors and leaves the hospital. My guess was they were heading to clean the front path.
"What about you? Did you see anything?"
One cleaner was left behind, by which the officer was now stood beside on their right side.
"I'm sorry I didn't see a thing. I'm not sure what happened but I hope it gets sorted soon."
The cleaner replies, clearly a female. She places her bucket in the corner of the room before leaving out the door. It was weird. Something about her voice was oddly familiar. I just couldn't think from where I had heard her voice before..
A voice echoed inside my head.
"Everything okay ma'am?"
The officer asks as he approaches me.
"It's her!"
"Excuse me?"
"Officer it's her! That cleaner! She's the girl! I recognise her voice! ITS HER!"
I vigorously point towards the door, almost bursting into tears as I try to explain. The officer wastes no time in calling to his fellow officers, calling for backup and that they had a lead on a suspect.
That bitch is going to get what she deserves for killing my best friend..

Jeff The Killer X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now