Chapter 31

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Eyeless Jack POV
I decide to give up for now on questioning Candy, he wasn't giving any more answers and I started to feel like an idiot, constantly wasting energy asking things I'm not getting the answers to.
I exhale deeply, BEN appears as I do so, glitching and blurring like a game screen with a virus before coming in full, just as if he were a normal human being, like everyone else. He hands everyone a drink, except me as I tend to drink my own sorts of beverages.
"By the way C, Jeff is looking for you. Seems preeeetty pissed."
BEN chuckles, heading to his chair to sit down, slouching as he does so.
Candy sits back in his chair, laughing as he sips at his drink.
"Is he now? BEN, Masky, Puppeteer. Give us a minute will ya. EJ and I need a chat."
The two of them nod and do as they're told, leaving the room. But one obviously had to protest. Which of course was none other than BEN.
"Why do I have to leave? I can be a part of this conversation too!"
Candy places down his drink, leaning forward, making strong eye contact with BEN.
"Ye can't stay, I'm sorry lad. This is between EJ and I."
He gestures, pointing towards me but never taking his eye off of BEN. To which BEN begins to pout like a child, looking as if he was about to throw a tantrum.
"Why can't I?! I'm as much a part of this as EJ! I'm the one who teleported her out there in the first place!-"
"BEN. Get, out."
Candy interrupts him, standing out of his chair standing tall, overpowering BEN with his height. His voice returning to its blunt ways.
BEN grunts and storms out, slamming the attic door. You could hear him mumbling as he walks away, his voice fading in the distance.

Candy's head snaps in my direction, his eyes locking on me. His hair swinging as he does so, causing his bells to jingle loudly.
I stand out of my seat, our heights levelling each other, neither one of us over powering the other. We were equal.
"I need you to do me a favour Jack."
His face was emotionless, no expression. Just a straight face.
"Jeff would have probably taken the maid to Slender by now seeking his help. She can't survive this. If he heals her. You need to get to her before Jeff does and kill her."
I hated the maid just as much as Candy did. She was annoying, since the day she got here I wanted her gone. I had to steal Sadies old mask just for her to wear as she was too pathetic to show her face. Sadie never wore the thing anyway, not once. But it was still hers.
Even though I hated her, Candy seemed to hate her even more for some reason. It was burning deep down inside of him, really deep down. So far I didn't understand. Yeah I hated her, but I never tried to kill her. Annoying as she is, I'd rather her clean my room and everywhere else than me have to do the work.
"Why can't you kill her if you want her dead so badly?"
Candy huffs a quick breath of air through his noses, as if to laugh a little, his eyes squint as one of his eyebrows raise for a jump, just a second before lowering again, the corner of his mouth on the same side of his eyebrow twitches into a smirk before returning to normal. A mischievous expression to which only lasts a second.
"You know I'm on my last warning for killing people here. Liu, Smile dog, those previously around Jeff. As well as others, Jason, DR Smiley, even Seedeater."
The last name Candy said sent a chill of rage and anger down my spine. I didn't care for many of those others, maybe somewhat for the DR as he shared his operating tips. But Seedeater. He was the one I cared about. When I became who I am today, that day I found Seedeater. He was alone in the woods, just like me after I had run away from everyone and everywhere. He tried to kill me at first until he discovered I wasn't human. He spared me and I spared him. We were together ever since. Inseparable. Until Candy appeared, to which he eventually destroyed him. Me and Candy had some bad tension in the past, during which he sent me Seedeaters head in a box.
"You know not to mention that name."
"I know. But I did."
He smirks, this time it stays plastered on his face.
"However, you have only killed 1 person here. So you have more chances than me. Plus I don't think it would be very fair if I took another life away from Jeff personally, I should give someone else the chance to do it."
I couldn't help grind my teeth and growl as he tries to boast again, seeming proud of what he was saying.
"You know I don't do favours for free."
I'm not going to do his dirty work for him for nothing. If I'm doing this, I want something in return.
"Do this for me, and I'll give you a sample of that liquid you want to know so much about."
He winks, licking his upper lip a little. His sly eyes shifting to the left as he chuckles, looking back to me.
"So? Do we have a deal?"
I decided to accept his deal, I've despised Candy since the day he killed Seedeater, even if it does seem like we're civil with each other. I hide my burning rage and death wish for him. But if I can get some of that chromosomes altering liquid. I can use it on him to kill him and get the others to help with his death.
"One thing before I accept. Why do you hate the maid so much? Why are you so obsessed with her."
His smirk drops to a stern expression, his eyes locking deep on my mask, delving into the black sockets.
"It's not her I'm obsessed with."
I was confused. He wants her dead so badly and she's all he ever talks about, planning and plotting. Yet he's not obsessed with her?
"If not the maid, then who?"
"Jeff? Why are you obsessed with Jeff?"
I ask, tilting my head as I was now even more confused than before. He sighs deeply, shifting his eyes to the side before straightening his posture and staring right at me. Not blinking once as he talks.
"Because I love him."

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