Chapter 29: The Land Of Tears And Shattered Dreams

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Song: If I Die Young by The Band Perry

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the late update! Also I think I'm getting Vance and Zaavan's parents' names mixed up so if anyone notices that someone's name has changed please let me know XD

Question: Who do you guys think wrote the website?

Ah, home sweet home. Yes, home is where the heart is, where you can relax in absolute comfort and there is always an abundance of love radiating from your perfect, happy family.


I doubt that most families are as happy as they seem. Mine sure as hell isn't.

Some people are energy vampires. They make you feel miserable, then feed off of your insecurities and self loathe to make themselves feel better. Being with them just drains you of all of your energy.

Some people can't stand seeing others happy, they have to make others as miserable as they are. Some people think that they ought to be treated like a king or queen. They will emotionally blackmail you and try to control you. Make you like them. They think they're always right and won't accept the fact that people are different and that others see things differently than they do.

There are people in this world that are just so toxic to be around that being with them will completely suck the life out of you.

One of those people is my mom.

I walked in through the door, ready to throw myself onto my bed and forget my crappy life as I let my brain rot by watching Netflix non-stop. After this shitty day, I needed some peace and quiet.

But hey, we don't always get what we want, now do we?

"Uncle Vance!" came the cries of the panicking twins.

"Uncle Vance, we're so sorry!" cried Archer, eyes wide with worry. "We were just asking a question!"

"Yeah, we didn't know grandma would get so mad," added Arrow, who had tears in his eyes. "We're sorry!"

"Guys, it's okay. Now I promise I won't get mad, but can you please tell me what happened?" I asked them in a confused voice.

"That is exactly what I want to know," said my mom in a detached voice as she appeared from the kitchen. She was furious. Her face was red, her eyes were narrowed and her nostrils flared. I could almost see smoke coming out of her ears.

"Living room, now!" she demanded. I guess it was no longer going to be the "living" room.

"You two, go to your room," she added, pointing to the twins who scrambled up the stairs as if their lives depended on it.

They probably did.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the couch, glancing at my dad along the way. He looked...dead. As if there was no more spark left inside of him and he had completely given up.

It terrified me.

"Is it true?" My mom asked, crossing her arms. "Did you kiss Father Fleetwood's son?" She spat.

"No," I said confidently. Growing up with a mom like mine you quickly learn that lying is always the best option.

"Lies!" she cried, banging a fist on the table beside her. "Then tell me why the twins were asking me why you were kissing a boy?"

It felt like the wind had been knocked right out of me. There was no lying my way out of this one.

"Since Zaavan was the only one coming over, I'm guessing it was him, wasn't it?"

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