Edward Kenway x Modern!Reader (Sailing)

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       Warning: Kinda Short-ish! Sorry, I wrote this late at night and I'm superrrr tired. Might update/add on more later.

        It was a bright, warm, cheery summer day. You and your friend (F/N) had decided to go sailing that day, so you took out your small SunFish boat and brought it to the docks. You both applied plentiful amounts of sunscreen. You then pushed your already rigged boat out onto the water, and paddled out a good distance from the shore.

        After a while of no winds, you and (F/N) began to get very bored. Your boat kept rocking in the wake of speedboats, and you were jealous of how quickly they cruised along. After a little while longer, a large-ish Hobie Cat sail boat with about four to five good looking guys on it drifted up to the side of your boat. You blushed a little, but it quickly faded.

        "Winds aren't exactly fair today, are they lasses?" Asked a man from the Hobie Cat. He had a nice welsh accent, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a strong jaw. He was probably the most attractive of all the guys on that boat. You shook your head in reply.

         "No, not really." You said, blushing slightly. Your friend seemed to pick up on your blushing, because she promptly invited the blonde man onto your boat.

         "Well, sir, my friend here seems to... like you." Said (F/N) mischeviously, "If you would like, you can come onto our boat. Once the winds pick up, this SunFish will cruise." She said. The blonde man nodded his head a little, considering it. Half of you wanted him desperately to say yes. The other half wanted (F/N) to shut up.

         "Come on, Eddy." Said one of the men on the Hobie Cat, "She's pretty hot." You blushed deeply. The man nodded again, and dove into the water. He swam over to your boat and boarded it, making it rock a little. This man was even more handsome up close. (F/N) quickly abandoned her seat next to you on the tiny SunFish, and motioned for the man to take it. And he did.

          "I forgot to introduce myself." He said, "My name is Edward James Kenway, but just Edward is fine." He said with a chuckle. You giggled a little and he looked at you with a small smile.

          "My name is (F/N)." Your friend introduced herself, "And this is (Y/N)." Edward nodded, and studied you. You blushed slightly under his gaze, but tried your best to cover it. He smiled at you, clearly noticing your blush and your discomfort.

          "A pretty name, and a pretty lass. Pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." He said politely, his welsh accent rolling over his words. He held out his hand, and you shook it gently. 

        Once your sails had caught a good breeze, you were cruising. You told Edward about your life back at home with your parents, and he told you about his travels with his friends. He told you about the fights her got in, and that one time when he stole food from a Safeway. You told him about your annoying siblings, your grades in school, and your annoying biology teacher. For the first time in a while, you were actually having fun. 

        Once the winds had slowed down and your boat had begun to turn towards the shore, you were sad. You wanted  to spend forever with Edward, but your amazing, wonderful boat ride was coming to a quick and sad end.

        "If I may," Edward began, "Could I have your phone number?" He asked. You beamed, nodding, and he took out a pen. You wrote your digits down on his forearm, and smiled at him. He smiled back.

         "I expect an immediate call, Edward James." You said in a false serious tone. Edward laughed a little, and gave you a peck on the cheek, making you blush a wild shade of wine red.

        "Of course." He said. Right then, your boat reached the shore, scooching up awkwardly onto the sand. Edward helped you and (Y/N) de-rig and load your boat back into its trailer, and then ran off to join his friends, giving you a polite but brief wave. Once he left, you and your friend got into the car. As usual, (F/N) was driving.

        "You so owe me for that, by the way." Said your friend as she started the car, "He's super cute." You nodded in reply.

        "Yeah, he is." You said, "And a good sailor, as well." After about two weeks of calling, you and Edward went on a date to a local pop-up restaurant. You guys were both made for each other. You just knew it.


Yes ma'am! Another short Eddie K one shot to make up for the stuff I put reader-chan through with Malik last chapter (If you haven't read that chapter yet, yeesh. It gets a bit... inappropriate). Anyway, I've been having this idea for a long time, and I thought that it would be crazy cute. Hope you enjoyed! ~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Natasha

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