Part 21 - Prince Philip Has Some Unusual Advice

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December 26, 2017 (Boxing Day)


The row began on Christmas night, as we were getting ready for bed.

"Harry?" Meg asked, her voice so sweet that I tensed up.


"How about you and I spend tomorrow morning with William and Catherine? It's so good to see you spending time with your brother. I know you two don't get enough time together."

"You can spend the morning with Catherine. I'm going out with the guns."



"Killing birds," she said.

"Well, they're rather hard to eat if they are still alive," I quipped, slipping into my bathrobe.

"Those pheasants are alive! And you kill them!"

"You eat chicken," I pointed out. "They were alive too. Same with the salmon we had for dinner the other night."

"But it's so barbaric."

I took a deep breath. "The Boxing Day shoot is a family tradition. It is as much a part of Christmas to me as the presents and spending time with my Gran and Granddad." I flopped down on the bed. "Everything we shoot is either eaten here, by the family or the staff, or sent down to the village as gifts for the families that live there."

Meg got up and paced around the bedroom. "But it's so bloody!"

"How would you know? You've never been on a shoot."

"And I never will. And neither will any of my children!" Meg cried.

"Well, my children will be taught how to shoot, just as I learned when I was young. That is the tradition in my family, which you are hoping to join." I really didn't like playing the royal card, but I felt pushed to it. "If you can't learn to like shooting, then you should probably learn to accept it."

Boxing Day morning there were tears and apologies from Meg as I was getting dressed in my wool tweeds and plus fours.

"Please won't you stay here with me?" she begged.

"I've already told Granny I'm going and I'm not going to be rude and duck out at the last moment," I said, feeling, as I often did lately, that Meg brought out the worst in me. Giving her a kiss, I said, "You'll have a nice cozy day with Catherine and the children and I'll be freezing my arse off out there. If you like, we can head back to the city this evening and have dinner together wherever you like. Just the two of us."

That brought a smile to her face, and I breathed a deep sigh as I left Anmer Hall. I couldn't resist sending off a quick text to Samantha.

Off with the guns. Want me to bring you a pheasant?

Her response was swift, even though it was early, and refreshing.

Sure. It would be a nice treat. Roast pheasant...mmmm!

"So Meg wouldn't come with you, eh?" said my grandfather, Prince Philip, as we walked out behind the game keeper. "Bet she gave you a stern talking-to about it too," he added, and laughed.

"Something like that."

"She seems to be one of those self-righteous girls who loves going to a fancy restaurant but thinks meat should only come all packed in plastic in the grocery store."

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