Part 34 - Trouble in Paradise?

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Front Page Headline, the Daily Mail

Trouble in Paradise?

Is Prince Harry already saying "I Do - NOT?"

They've been engaged less than 2 months, and already Prince Harry and royal bride-to-be Meg Moran are on the outs, palace insiders say.

"The prince is spending evenings away from home," a source close to the couple says. "He's disappearing for hours at a time with no entries in his diary to document his whereabouts."

"Meg is in tears. She's a very lovely, warm person and she is over the moon about the prince. She just doesn't understand what is going on," says another palace insider.

"Rumors are flying thick and fast that Prince Harry is cracking under the pressure to marry and is reverting to his 'playboy prince' ways. The Queen is furious and Meg is terrified that the prince will throw her over."

Sources inside Buckingham Palace say that there have been several "high-level" meetings about the royal couple and that the Press Office is in "full damage control mode." Veteran royal watchers are expecting some kind of royal announcement in the next few weeks.

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