Part 23 - Right For the Job?

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We began on the sandwiches and Harry regaled me with tales from Christmas at Sandringham, lingering over the time he spent with his niece and nephew and the outdoor sports.

"I thought about you, you know," Harry admitted, almost apologetically. "I went riding with some of my cousins and it was a beautiful day, crisp and cold and the horses were eager to be out stretching their legs. We took a few fences and it was glorious. You would have enjoyed it."

He helped himself to a jam tart. "Oh, and I've got a few friends I'm going to ring up after they get back from their holidays. I want to take you hunting."

"Can you do that?" I asked.

"Of course. We'll borrow a horse for you and some clothes, if needed. There's usually always room for a few more."

I rolled my eyes. "That's not what I meant."

He looked at me over his wineglass. "They don't chase actual foxes, you know, if that's what you're worried about. They follow a scent trail. It's great fun. If I'm lucky we might find someone who would put us up and we could get away for a weekend—"

I put my plate down. I didn't want to spoil the afternoon by naming the obvious, but somebody had to. "I mean—aren't you afraid we would be spotted together? What about...Meg?"

"Oh," Harry said. "Yes. Well." He looked uneasy. "I've been meaning to tell you—it's part of the reason I wanted to see you." Harry looked uncharacteristically at a loss for words. "I spent a lot of time thinking over the holidays. I talked with my brother and my grandfather, and they both agreed that if it's to be done, it's best done quickly, and soon, so I'm going to drive back to Sandringham next week and talk to my gran about it."

I waited, but he just looked at me like he expected some reaction.

"Talk to her about what? What's to be done?"

"I'm going to break off my engagement with Meg."

His words stunned me. Then the tiniest flicker of something—was it hope?—ran through me, followed swiftly by fear, mixed with a tiny bit of anger.


He looked surprised. "You have to ask?"

"I hope you're not saying that it's because of me."

"How can I—how do you expect me to stay with her—when I'm wanting—" and he stopped.

"Harry, we barely know each other! We haven't even ever—" I felt my glance slide towards that open door, and I blushed furiously. "We haven't even had time to...get to know each other properly."

"But we can. We will." And he too glanced at the bedroom door.

"Maybe. Or maybe not," I said, the anger increasing. "Either way, this—whatever it is we have going on—is not a reason to break your engagement!"

Yet, whispered in my brain, and I batted the thought away.

"I thought you would be..." he began, dismayed.

"I don't know what you expected. I don't know what I expected," I said, finding myself on my feet. "but this isn't it. I am not responsible for your relationship with Meg. If you want to call off your engagement, that is your choice. But don't use me as the reason. Our relationship should be a separate thing."

Harry sat back against the couch cushions, puzzled. "You mean if I were to ask you to—"

"Be very careful of what you say," I warned, cutting him off, "because there are some things you are not free to ask."

Harry jumped up and paced back and forth. "This is what I meant earlier when I said I felt like I was rushed for time. I don't have a lot of time to get to know you. I don't have the freedom to date you, to take you out, to do all those things I would like to do. But I know that I cannot marry Meg while I have this doubt in my mind."

"What are you doubting?" I asked softly, my back to the fireplace.

Harry drew a long, deep breath and ran his hand through his hair. "Whether or not Meg is right for this job. Whether or not she is right for me."

I couldn't help it. I laughed, and the words tumbled out before I could stop them. "You think I might be right for the job? I might be mistress material, but I am not the stuff princesses are made of. Pretty sure they coined the phrase 'a roll in the hay' with me in mind."

Harry looked thunderstruck. For a long moment he just stared at me. Shook his head. And then, he too laughed.

Crossing the room, he took my hands and pulled me closer. "You," he said, "are not what I expected at all."

"And that's a good thing?"

"It's a very good thing."

We kissed again, and this time it was quieter but more intense.

When we parted, he gave me a questioning look. Without a word I took his hand, pulled him into the bedroom, and shut the door.

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