Part 62 - At the Gala

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I was not really in the mood to attend the gala for the Prince of Wales Charities but it was on my official engagements list and I knew I had to go. As I put on my tux and searched for my cuff links with the Prince of Wales feathers I thought again of my decade in the armed forces, when my job was real and made a difference, not just dressing up and making small talk. That life had been exciting and interesting, with a touch of danger, and real consequences on the line for every action. This endless round of social events and meetings was just a job—boring but unfortunately necessary to my continued existence.

A drink kind of smoothed out the edges for me and as I got in the car I was determined to focus on the task at hand and not let my mind wander off into worry about whether Meg was or was not pregnant, and how I would explain this situation to Sam the next time I saw her.

There were the usual photographers waiting as I got out of the car and I gave them a wave and a smile, pointedly not responding to their questions as they snapped their pictures. But then a soft warm arm slid into the crook of my elbow and I felt a brief kiss on my cheek.

I looked down, stunned, into Meg's smiling face.

"Shall we go in?" she asked.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"I was invited to the gala as well," she said, her smile never faltering as the cameras snapped away. "And your father and Camilla were kind enough to let me ride with them, since you were arriving later."

I did not want to make a scene in front of all the cameras. I turned on my heel and we headed into the hall, Meg clinging to my arm the entire way.

The hall was bright and hot and filled with people in evening dress, jewels glittering. Trying to shake off Meg's grip, I said, "You can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" she asked, still smiling. "We're engaged, aren't we? And having a child together?"

"I still haven't seen proof of that," I growled, keeping my voice low, mindful of the many ears in the room.

"It takes a while to get an appointment with a well-respected obstetrician," Meg asked, not bothering to moderate her voice. "I hope that three weeks is soon enough for you. The appointment is on March 21st. The first day of spring. Such a lovely time for us to receive good news. And only two months before our wedding day."

I swore under my breath.

"Meanwhile, if you'll recall, we have many joint engagements scheduled. Wouldn't it be so much easier if I were to return to our home, so we can keep up appearances?" she said.

"I'm not having this discussion in public," I growled, trying hard to keep my expression neutral and my hands unclenched.

"I agree, this isn't the place for this," Meg said in her sweetest voice. "I'll come home with you and we can talk then."

"No!" I said, and heads turned in my direction.

My father joined us, so well schooled that he looked calm and pleased to see me. Shaking my hand in greeting, he pulled me closer to hiss into my ear, "Do not fight with your wife in public."

"She isn't my wife!"

His hand clenched on mine, and his other hand gripped my arm hard, though I'm sure from any other perspective it looked like a perfectly pleasant embrace. "Do not ruin the evening for all these lovely people. You can deal with this back home."

He released me and moved off, shaking hands and smiling as he went.

And then Meg was back with her signature clingy handhold, a drink in one hand. "Here," she said sweetly, "I thought you might like this."

"You're right about that," I said, and tossed back the drink. Catching the eye of one of the wandering waiters, I motioned him to bring me another.

It was going to be a long night.

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