Part 64 - Good News and Bad News

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I hadn't seen Harry since our lunch at Eugenie's, but I was too busy to think much about it. I was up at 5 am most days and off to work in the stables, then sewing like mad after dinner and on my days off to finish the coats Eugenie had ordered. I'd cut out a few more of each design, hoping that once word got around I might sell a few more.

Harry texted me several times a day, so at least we were in contact again. I was just about to go to bed one night when I received another text from him.

H: I need to see you tomorrow. Simon will pick you up in the morning. Be in the alley behind the Lion at 7am

The jolt of excitement at seeing him again was almost immediately dampened by reality.

Me: I have to work

H: So call off for the day

It was easy for him to say, but kind of critical to my continued employment that I show up for work. Still, I was growing more disillusioned with my job at the polo stables, and hoping to transition to sewing at least part-time, hopefully finding something more steady to make up the rest of my expenses.

Me: I really want to, but...

H: So do it. Don't worry about Coster. It's time for you to look for work elsewhere. I'll help you

H: Besides I really need to see you :)

H: Please?

It wasn't that hard to convince me.

I was hiding in the alley doorway of the Sleeping Lion at 6:50 AM, in jeans and a warm jacket since Harry had requested I dress casually. Simon arrived in the scruffy Land Rover at 7 AM on the dot and I jumped inside. We exchanged small talk as we drove, and I wasn't paying much attention to the scenery until I noticed the fortified castle walls rising above the rest of the buildings.

"We're going to Windsor Castle?" I asked, surprised.

Simon nodded. "Yes, and I'm afraid to ask...but would you mind sliding down in the seat so you can't be seen?"

I unbuckled my seat belt and curled up on the floorboard of the Land Rover with a giggle. "It's that serious? I need to hide?"

"His Royal Highness just wants to make sure you are not spotted coming through the gates. It's for your protection, miss."

"Well, I appreciate his thoughtfulness," I said, still laughing at the thought of how un-romantic my relationship with the prince could be sometimes. Yes, sometimes I got to ride in fancy cars—but a lot of the time I was hiding under the seat.

The Land Rover slowed, then sped up, and finally slowed again to park. "You can come out now."

Before I unfolded myself Simon opened my door and offered me his hand. We were inside the castle grounds and as we walked towards the nearest building I heard a whinny and the sound of hooves. It was the stables, of course.

Harry met us just inside the stable door and Simon melted away. I always let Harry make the first move in semi-public places like this, and he enveloped me in a hug while we shared an intense heart-hammering kiss.

"I've missed you," he said softly.

"Yeah, me too," I replied. "Ditto."

"I bought a new horse." Taking my hand, he practically pulled me down the stable aisle. "Tell me what you think," he said, and spun me around.

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