Part 28 - Just Before Midnight

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It was somewhere past 11 and the club was bouncing, seething with people. It was loud and getting louder, the excitement building as we grew closer to midnight and the new year.

Randa was out on the dance floor, as she had been for an hour or more. When the song ended, she popped by to grab another drink and check on me, her skin glittering with sweat, a tall guy named Bruce close by her side.

"Are you okay?" she asked, leaning close to my ear.

I nodded. I'd danced for a while but now I was leaning against a wall, mostly out of the crowd. I'd had a few drinks, enough to give me a steady warm buzz but not enough to make me lose control. Instead I was people-watching, taking note of all the fashions and trying to carry on a conversation with a guy named Michael. He had joined me early in the evening and, despite his occasional forays onto the dance floor and my attempts to dissuade him, he was trying to flirt with me. I was being nice, but I had no intention of going home with anyone but Randa.

As it was, I couldn't help the quick spike in adrenaline every time I saw a red-headed man in the crowd. It was stupid, really—why would someone like Harry be here? He must have a more important, far more impressive party to go to tonight.

Another ginger-haired man was weaving through the crowd and I fought off the familiar feeling by turning towards Randa. "You look like you're having a good time—"

Her eyes went past me, staring over my shoulder. "Holy crowns on a cracker," she said. "It's your...royal."

I froze.

A hand touched my shoulder and Harry's warm voice was suddenly in my ear. "Back door. Follow me. But not too closely."

I willed myself to stand still, my eyes following him as he disappeared into the crowd. I clenched my fists as I counted to ten...then twenty...before I turned to follow him.

Randa grabbed my arm. "Don't. Not here—you don't want to be seen together."

"But he asked me—"

"What if she is here?"

I looked around wildly. There was no way I could spot Meg in this crowd, even if she was here.

I broke away from Randa and headed for the back door. "Don't leave without me."


I threaded my way through the crowd, my ears ringing as I left the dance floor behind. The crowd was quieter, and thinned out a bit. I passed the washrooms and and found myself in a dark access hallway, the only light coming from an open door at the end.

The cold air hit me like a blow as I stepped outside and I shivered, wishing I had a proper coat or even the lacy little capelet I had worn earlier.

Harry stood in the alley, smoking. He tossed the cigarette away and walked towards me, whipping off his jacket. He closed the door behind me and snuggled his jacket over my shoulders.

"You smoke?" I asked, as he pulled me into a hug.

"No. Not really. A few puffs when I'm out clubbing. You look amazing," he said, bending down for a kiss.

"You know how dangerous this is?" I asked when we parted.

"I don't care," he said, stealing another kiss.

"You should."

"That's my problem. Let me worry about it. I just want to be with you."

We didn't waste any time talking about the whys and hows of our showing up at the same club at the same time. That could wait until we met in private, if it even mattered. Maybe it didn't matter at all. Maybe the only thing that mattered at the moment was being in Harry's arms, the cold totally forgotten, as we kissed.

"Sir? Sir."

Harry broke the embrace, looking up. "Yes?" he asked.

"Sir, it's almost midnight. You'd better get inside. You've been missed." Duncan, his security guard, looked uneasy.

Harry swore. "All right. Just a minute."


"In a minute." Harry's voice was steely.

"Sorry," Harry said to me, his voice low. "I'm sorry. Sorry we don't have more time. Sorry we can't go back to my place and—"

I stopped the words with my fingers to his lips. "I know. Just go." I tried to smile, but parting from him was an almost physical pain. "We've had more than we thought we would tonight. I'm grateful for that."

Harry looked like there was more he wanted to say, but Duncan tapped his watch furiously. Harry leaned in and we shared one last, fast fierce kiss and he stepped away, breaking into a fast trot as he entered the building.

I stood there for a moment longer, to give him time to make his entrance, and realized I still had his jacket over my shoulders.

Well, I couldn't run after him. I'd give it to him the next time we saw each other. And there would be a next time...I was sure of it now.

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