Part 68 - Gonna Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You

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I love Africa. It feels strange to say that, when it is worlds away from what my life is like back in England, but maybe that is why I love it. I feel more like myself—my real self—in Africa than anywhere else in the world.

The trip to Malawi had been scheduled for months, and the timing was perfect. I could spend a week in my favorite place, away from the crowds and the stink of the city, away from the ever-present news stories and, most especially, away from Meg. I didn't have to worry that she would turn up in my home or at some function, smiling her fake smile and taking my arm like she owned me. I could relax and work—really work—getting my hands dirty and getting sunburnt, collapsing back at the camp in the evening to have a few cold beers with the rest of the crew.

The trip helped ease the waiting, distracted me from the sword of Meg's possible-but-not-likely pregnancy that was hanging over me. When I returned to London, it would only be a few days before her doctor's appointment, and she would be able to put the truth off no longer. And once I knew the truth, things were going to change.

The only bad thing about my trip was the separation from Samantha. Communication was spotty when we were out in the park, and during the day I was too busy to check my phone. I'd opted not to stay in a lodge, where there would be regular phone service and hot showers, wanting instead to camp where I could watch the stars brighten the sky and listen to the sounds of nature while I slept. It was a break from my usual world, and I soaked it up gratefully.

It wasn't until the fifth day of my trip that I had any inkling of what was going on back home. Sam's texts had been brief and cheerful, and I assumed everything was going well.

Simon had accompanied me to Malawi, but he stayed in the background and I rarely saw him. I was surprised when he appeared at breakfast, looking grim.

"Sir, can we have a word?" he asked.

"Of course," I said, grabbing a bit of meat roll and following him out of the tent. "What's up?"

"I've had a call from Colin back in London. He didn't want to bother you, Sir, but he left it up to me to decide. He sent some papers and when I saw what was in them—well, I thought you would like to know about it right away."

Mystified, I took the handful of crumpled papers Simon held out to me. They were printouts from websites, probably printed and then driven out from the nearest lodge with good internet service. The headline on the top one stopped me cold.

Prince Harry's Cinderella Stable Girl Attacked!

I scanned the article quickly, words jumping out at me. Crowd outside flat...due to recent publicity...hurling insults...angry at her relationship with Prince Harry...supporters of Meg Moran attacked Samantha Walden...

"Get me a satellite phone," I said, my voice calm despite my inner turmoil.

"There's a lodge about 20 minutes away. Probably your best bet for a secure stable connection."

I was already striding towards the Land Cruiser. "Then what are you waiting for?"

As the Land Cruiser bounced down the roads and non-roads on the way to the lodge, I had time to calm down and read the rest of the articles Colin had sent me. Basically a huge amount of pro-Meg, anti-Sam publicity had appeared while I was off the grid, and the trolls and haters were having a field day. I was pretty sure I knew the original source of all the stories, which included Meg's pregnancy "secret." There had been a scuffle outside Sam's flat and some people had thrown things at her, but it sounded like she escaped with only a couple of bruises and scratches. The police had arrived quickly and a few people were arrested. Never mind that the Queen was going to be furious about all the scandal—I was furious, worried about Sam, and feeling guilty that I was not there to protect her.

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