Part 46 - Horsing Around

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Front Page Headline, the Daily Star

Harry's Horsing Around!

Is Prince Harry running around on American fiancee Meg Moran?

Recent photos obtained by the Daily Star show Prince Harry canoodling with a lovely blonde woman who works as a polo groom. Sources say the pair met a polo match early in the new year and have been sneaking around ever since—just a few months after Harry announced his engagement to Meg!

"Harry's already regretting his engagement," a source close to the prince reveals. "Meg's beautiful and sweet in public, but an absolute nightmare in person. Two of Harry's staff have already quit over her incessant demands. Harry just wants some peace and quiet."

Insiders say Harry and his secret flame spent the weekend hunting in Cornwall, while Meg has retreated to Canada to sob on the shoulders of her best friend, Jennifer Mahoney.

"Harry would call off the engagement if he could," says the source. "He's just waiting for the right time to announce that he and Meg have split up."

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