Part 29 - Her Perfect Life

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Miss Meg Moran, American actress and fiancee of Prince Harry of Wales moved closer to the glass window that separated Clara Chelsea's private room upstairs from the crowds on the dance floor. She watched, drink in hand, as her fiance suddenly appeared downstairs, moving swiftly but politely through the crowd.

Of course, she thought. Harry was always so polite, always so well-mannered. Even when they were fighting, it took a lot to make him lose his composure.

But then, she had been holding back as well, hadn't she? Even when she was angry, she controlled her temper. She was too close to the throne to lose ground now. They were engaged, almost married. Just a few more months. And once they were married, he wouldn't divorce her. Couldn't divorce her—it would be such a scandal.

Just a few more months, and everything would be perfect. She would have it all...a crown, or at least a tiara. She'd be an honest-to-god princess...almost. Her children would be the great-grandsons and great-granddaughters of the Queen of England! In line for the throne! And money...all the money she could ever want. Mansions. Jewelry. She'd never have to work another day in her life...only dress up pretty every day and wave to her adoring public. And she would have a husband who would never, never leave her. Ever.

She started to turn away from the window, pasting on a smile to greet Harry as he returned. And then she saw a blonde woman entering the club from the same direction Harry had, clutching a dark blue blazer to her shoulders.

Meg's eyes narrowed. She spun around to see her fiance crossing the floor towards her, smiling, hand outstretched for hers as the voices all around them began counting down.


Harry...without the navy blazer he had worn when they left the house a few hours ago.


"Where were you, my love?" Meg purred, slipping an arm around his waist.

"Had to get some air. You know, chatting with the boys. Had a bit of a smoke. I'm sorry."

"! Happy New Year!"

The club exploded with noisemakers, cheering, the clinking of champagne flutes. Glitter and confetti fell on them from overhead, sparkling in Meg's dark locks as she drew Harry in for a deep kiss.

This was her fiance. Her perfect life. And nothing was going to ruin it for her.



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